Freedom and Sacrifice – Some Gave All

Memorial Day

A day to remember and reflect and be thankful. 

Thankful to God for the freedoms we still have. 

Thankful to the ones upon whose shoulders we stand as they fought and died for those freedoms. 

Growing up Amish and coming from a long line of conscientious objectors I don’t think that I fully realize the sacrifice it has taken over the years to keep our freedoms intact, but as I age and I rub shoulders with those who have served or who have children serving; I have come to understand more deeply the sacrifice. 

I don’t have many words today, except to say a hearty Thank you to all the veterans and all those still serving today. You are the pride of our country, our backbone and why I get to come from a long line of conscientious objectors. The protection and freedoms you have provided and are still providing today for our country are immeasurable. 

Click on my Facebook page and “like” to receive updates. 

mt eaton harness and shoe repair – a tour of an amish business

The very first time I ever entered this business was as little Amish girl, maybe 4 or 5 years old, and it was located down the road a bit and around the corner. I remember smelling leather as my parents, my brother and I would enter the store, the mission – a pair of shoes for my brother or I – a pair of tennis shoes for the beginning of a new school year or a pair of “Sunday shoes” for when our feet outgrew the pair we had. We had to be careful with those new “Sunday shoes” and not scuff them up too much because they had to “last.” I always loved shoes and shopping for shoes, but as a young Amish girl I felt like there was never enough of a selection for me to choose from and ALWAYS ended up leaving the store with a pair of what I always called “grandma shoes” because my mom, her mom, my other grandmother, aunts, and all the church ladies wore the same shoe and I was always mortified that I had to wear the same kind of shoe the old ladies wore. 
For this reason I believe is why, today,  I like to have a bunch of shoes, something for each outfit, there is nothing like a good selection to mix and match with when I’m pulling an outfit together and shoes oftentimes make the outfit happen. My husband always says to me, “are you sure you wear all those shoes” and/or “if you bring another pair home, you have to pitch five of the pair of shoes that you have.” 
Never! wink wink
I thought about this place a couple months ago and wondered what it looked like on the inside so I inquired on Facebook if it were possible for me to stop over and bring my camera. I was thinking one of the son’s who are no longer Amish might own the harness and shoe repair shop since they have a Facebook page, but I would soon learn that the son, Larry Weaver, who now owns the harness and shoe repair shop IS still Amish and his non-Amish nephew has hooked him up with a Facebook page. Isn’t that kind of cool?
As I stepped out of my car at Mt. Eaton Harness and Shoe Repair a couple Saturday’s ago I noticed a few things, the tree in the parking lot, the dog, Max, and a hitching post all nesting up close to a nicely manicured lawn owned by Larry’s parents. 
I took a few pictures of the out of doors, and Max, of course, and then I walked up the ramp, opened the door and entered the shop and the first thing I did was stand there and breath in the leather smell. If I had closed my eyes I would thought I had returned to the old shop where my brother and I were outfitted with our next pair of shoes, up the road and around the corner. But I didn’t close my eyes and I wasn’t transported into the past, but it sure smelled like it, leathery, woodsy, new shoes, all the smells in my memory were still there. 
Upon entering the shop and allowing my nose to have its way with the smells I saw that Larry and his father were both busy, Larry with customers, his father was back in the corner busy repairing shoes. Since I knew that they knew I was stopping by I started taking pictures until Larry was free to chat with me. It ended up that he was not able to chat because it was going on toward the end of store hours and he and his wife had dinner plans and he HAD to mow the lawn before he had to be ready for dinner. Larry invited me to take all the pictures I wanted and to come back the following Saturday for a visit. 
I did both. I took pictures that day and the following Saturday afternoon I showed up to chat with him a bit about his business. Larry told me his father, Eli Weaver, previously owned the business, purchasing it from another Amish man in the community 41 years ago, about the same year Larry was born. His father moved the business two years later from the shop that I used to go shoe shopping with my parents to where it now resides. Larry took over the business 19 years ago and his father works for him now. 
Larry and his wife have five children, ranging in ages of 17 all the way to 5 years old. The first four children, all girls…the last one…a boy. Larry cracked a big smile when he mentioned his son, adding that his son is spoiled very much. Larry’s oldest daughter works outside the home full time, the next two help him in the shop, cleaning and helping with customer service on those days the store has sales. 
Speaking of sales, Larry mentioned that during the Mt. Eaton Days, June 13 and 14th they will be having 10% off the entire store. This would be the time to stop by and purchase your steel toed work boots, or a nice pair of cowboy boots. Along with the sale inside, they are also have a garage sale and he will have close-out shoes at the garage sale.
In August, 5-9 they will be having their anniversary sale, and I am thinking he told me that they would be having 10% off store wide again on these dates. Along with the anniversary sale in the store they are also having barbecue chicken dinners on the outside; one can come and purchase dinners and the proceeds go to The Pier, a local venue and private school.
The bulk of Larry’s business is shoe sales. He sells all kinds of products, but shoes are the main thing. He has a nice display of shoes and he helps each of his customers fitting the shoes, giving prompts on how they should fit. I heard him tell one customer who was trying on cowboy boots that when she walks there should be about a half an inch between her heel and the back of the boot. He is extremely knowledgeable on shoes and what one needs to get the job done. Mostly, what he sells are work shoe type of shoes. You won’t find fancy shoes here, practical shoes for practical situations. He also sells tennis shoes and I saw Crocs there as well as, Sunday shoes for the Amish. 
The other side of Larry’s business is the repair part. His father repairs boots and shoes. I heard Larry tell someone that if the sole of his shoe wears out, all he has to do is bring the shoes back and they will take the old sole off and put a brand new sole on the shoes for a lot less price. I noticed Larry isn’t all about the dollar, but he is selling a way of life for those who have hard jobs and need tough shoes. He cares about his customers and for that reason is why I’m sure he has repeat customers. He really provides customer service and seems to be less sales driven. Larry repairs harnesses and saddles in his spare time. When I was there the second day he was repairing a customer’s reins for his horses, they were all tore up and Larry patched them up all nice and neat and his Amish customer had a great big grin on his face when he saw the patch that Larry did for him. 
In between chatting about his business and taking care of customers I got to talk with one or two of the customers. This one Amish man asked me if I was a sales lady. I told him no, that I was a writer and I was doing an article on Larry’s shop. The fellow then asked me who I was because I was actually speaking in Pennsylvania Dutch and when you speak the language folks want to know who you are and where you come from. As this fellow and I chatted we ended up being like second cousins. His grandfather was my grandmother’s brother. Neat, huh? You just never know when you will run into relatives in these parts. 
Okay, so for the part that I really enjoy, is showing you instead of telling you. Click on the pictures so they show up in a gallery if you would like to see more details. There is a LOT going on in this little store and I tried to get the gist of what they do. 
Mt. Eaton Harness and Shoe Repair
Their signage by the road. 
The parking lot and/or hitching post are almost never completely empty. 

Happening place for sure. My car is in the background, the black one. 
The hitching post. A great part of the customers are the local Amish. Larry’s parent’s house and neatly manicured lawn in the background. 

Max, what a doll! If you love dogs you will want to stop by and give this fellow a petting. He will brighten your day. 

There is a step and a ramp, they are prepared for all customers. 

Mr. Max was watching me take pictures. He seemed a bit puzzled at what I was doing. 

Another view of the steps and the ramp. 

A sign by the door. Looks like there have been many signs as the year have gone by. 

Nice clean window in the door and the hours. 

As you come inside you are greeted with this rack of boots and to the right of the front door are many more displays of shoes and boots. 

A nice spot in the middle of the room for Larry to fit his customers with their new shoes or boots and make sure they are leaving with the perfect fit. 
Larry discussing shoes and boots with some customers.

A few customers are browsing, carefully making their selections. 

Cowboy hats are sold here as well. 

Leather shoe strings. 

Wall of work boots.

Tough. Everything that is sold in this place seems to ooze tough, durable, long lasting, and good investment.

Candy can be purchased here. 
That is my black tablet sitting on the edge of the counter with my keys laying on top. I like that I got them in there by accident. 

You can even grab a pop here in the fridge. 

Leather Dye. I used a lot of this product as a little Amish girl growing up dying the family Sunday shoes before church and then after I was married making sure my husband’s shoes were nice and shiny each church Sunday. 


Union Salve.

I found Rook cards hanging in-between some flashlights. Amish people play Rook. A lot of Rook. It is my favorite game and always look forward to a hot game of Rook. 

The counter where the sales are finalized. 

Some harnesses are sold here. 

There is a corner for heavy duty outerwear. Carhart brand prevalent in this store. 

Saddles for sale. 

Belts and you can see a glimpse of Larry’s father in the background repairing shoes. 

My sister works at Weaver Leather. Larry sells their products at his store. 

Anything you want for your horse, you can find here on this wall. 

Stacks of hats sold primarily to Amish men and boys. 

Another look at the corner with the saddles displayed. 

Larry was mowing the yard behind the shop. 

Max was out back smelling the roses dandelions while Larry was mowing.

If you are looking for liniment or some other potion for your horse, Larry probably has it stocked on his shelves somewhere. 

Meet Ike. He is a permanent fixture in the store. 
He was getting his exercise. 

A little patron found Ike, I like that his house is low to the floor so the little ones can stand there with their arms crossed as this little gal is doing and relax while she is watching Ike.
Also, notice what Larry is selling right beside Ike’s house! I’m glad Ike can’t read. 

Wonder Dust. I didn’t read the label, but I like the name of this product. I wonder if I purchased some and just spread it all over if magical things would happen.

This stuff is sold at the beauty supply store where I purchase my beauty products. Isn’t that amazing? Me and the horse next door could shop at the same store for our beauty particulars!

Aren’t these cute? A lot of little Amish girls wear a pair of these shoes for Sunday. 

Not a graveyard for leather products, these items are on Larry and Eli’s “to do list.”

Almost anything you need you can find here. 

A leather craftsmen’s tools. 

I loved this piece of furniture. Signs of many, many years of wear and tear. 

Signs that they have fun in this shop. Up on the top I noticed “Gordy” written out and I asked Larry about it. He said it was there because of an English neighbor boy they grew up with. My husband and I know the brother to the “Gordy” on the wall and interestingly enough we call our friend “Gordy” as well. Was interesting for me to see it up on their wall. 

A leather craftsman’s tools. 

These saw horses are very tall, and very smooth from the wear and tear over the years. Really beautiful in real life. 

Love this picture.

The next boot to be repaired. 

I wonder how old those dishes are which hold all kinds of small fixtures. 

A well used chair. 

Lined up ready to be repaired. 

Norman Rockwell calendar. 

The clock. 

The cash register. There are all kinds of things going on, raffle tickets, business cards, etc. 

The bulletin board the community can use to place their ads on.

A nice spot to rest while you are waiting. 
A thank you on the door as you exit. 

Max came by to send me off. He looks so happy.

If you would like to visit Larry and take a gander at what he sells, you can plug his address in your GPS and head that way.

Mt Eaton Harness and Shoe Repair
10265 Winesburg Rd
Dundee, OH 44624

Phone: 330-359-5862

I checked their Facebook page tonight to link to it and alas! It is no longer there. I’m not sure what happened, but if I find they have it up again, I will link to it for everybody. Last time I had checked their page had more than 500 “likes” so they are doing something right on there.

If you do stop in to see Larry, please tell him that you read this. He seemed really happy that I was going to blog about his business. He is a very friendly fellow and if you are in the market for a good work boot or shoe, he is the man to help you out.

If you liked this article and would like to be prompted when I do more of them, I invite you to go to my Facebook page and “like” it so we can stay connected. 

a full saturday

My Saturday was busy. It felt like there wasn’t much room for breathing, but I did stop and breath for a moment or two along the way. I took a bunch of pictures to document the day. 
Rhubarb. First thing Saturday morning I visited my rhubarb plant and harvested a few stalks so I could make this recipe for a dessert for lunch. I’ve been using this Rhubarb Crisp recipe for several years now and Mr. Wonderful always asks for it. I like it with ice cream, he and his mom like it with milk. 

Backyard view. 
Ace is my tag-along.

She had to smell the rhubarb. 

I cut the leaves off and placed them on top of the garbage container, I wasn’t able to pitch the leaves over the fence as they are poisonous for horses to ingest. 
Ace got bored with me and trotted off to the barn in search of food. I love the cat’s path to the barn…she is walking in it. All three cats use that path when they are leaving the barn. 
Every time I see one of them using the path I kind of marvel that it never fails, the always do so. It is interesting how God has made animals…they are so predictable when you have studied their habits for awhile. 

Alley Cat…yep, couldn’t go without adding one of him. He looks a bit stalker-ish in this picture. 

The finished product…Rhubarb Crisp all done and ready to be packed up to go to my mother in law’s house. 

Pork and Beans dish. I had fried up a pound of bacon that I had cut up in small pieces. 
After the fat was rendered off I placed the bacon in a cast iron skillet and kept the heat on so it would continue to render a bit and crisp up. 

I added a cut up onion to the bacon grease because there is no way I was going to let that deliciousness go to waste! 

In-between cooking and baking I had a “breakfast” of coffee and a couple cookies I had purchased at the local store. Cookies made at a local bakery. 

I added 1 1/2 pounds of hamburger to the onions and bacon grease. 

And then Bushes’ original pork and beans…and then added some Worcestershire sauce and a few splashes of hot sauce and the fried bacon and presto! Wonderful pork and beans to take along to dinner. 

Here they are in a nice roaster, ready to heat up later in the day. 

The third thing I made was porcupine meatballs and rice. It was our day to provide food and to stay with my mother in law. Mr. Wonderful went down to her house earlier in the morning and I stayed home and cooked and did laundry. When it was lunch time I packed up my car and headed to her house for lunch and a visit. 

I wanted to provide vegetables, but didn’t want to fuss with another dish so I actually added vegetables to the top of my dish and we had a “one dish meal.” There is my casserole sitting on my mother in law’s table. 

A different shot of her table. I had to be careful not to get her in the picture, that is why the picture is kind of at an odd angle because she was at the other end. That blue scarf thing is an old table cloth that she uses on her table for nice, but when someone comes and we eat, we have to push it back so that we don’t get crumbs on it. She told me yesterday that they received that tablecloth as a wedding gift. That would have been at least 60 years ago, I’m not sure of the exact number of years, but she is in her late 80’s so it was a long time ago. 

My mother in law still lives on the home farm in the small house. On the farm, by the big farm house is this flower bed. I just had to get a picture of it. 

Near my mother in law’s house was an Amish wedding. You can see many buggies lined up. 

The ceremony was in this big white tent. 

I left my mother in law’s house around 1 because I had an interview to do for my next post.
Tease alert…..I found this little fellow at that place of business. You will meet “Ike” in my next post. Can you guess where I was? 

On my way home from the interview I saw this Amish lady rolling down the highway in her garden tractor and wagon. 

Our family was invited to Betsy and Allen’s house for a cookout last night. Betsy was on Breaking Amish LA last year, and we have become friendly over the last six months or so. It was raining off and on and cold, so the cookout happened, but we ate indoors. The fellows are watching Allen cook the burgers…very good burgers! I had made the pork and beans and our daughter brought a salad and our daughter in law brought a yummy dessert and Betsy and Allen provided the burgers and the rest of the food. It was a delicious meal for sure! 

Here is Betsy and Allen’s back yard, all prettied up for the summer. Nice plants and so woodsy back there.

A shot out there living room window. Can you imagine that in the wintertime? I bet it it simply gorgeous when the snow is falling. 

Our son and his wife. I love how they are looking at each other in this picture. 

Our daughter and her husband. So pretty. 

Mr. Wonderful’s allergies were getting the best of him last night for some reason. 

Beautiful couple, Betsy and Allen and their dog Sparky. Snoopy was running around there somewhere. Cute dogs. (Thank you Betsy and Allen for having our family over for a fun evening!)

Little Guy was there too. He loved Betsy’s little dogs! Here he is trying to eat a hot dog bun and not let grandma take his picture. He is so ornery! 
We had a lovely day, all the way from visiting with my mother in law to the interview and later on our cookout with Betsy and Allen. It was a good day, a full day, but full of fellowship and good food. 
Dropping into bed was bliss! 
You can find more random pictures,  thoughts and new posts to my blog on my Facebook page by clicking here – Looking in my Rear View Mirror.

what kind of conscience do you have?

I love God.

I know I don’t “say it” a lot in my blog because it is so personal to me and I feel like if I try to “preach it” continually I might cheapen the gospel as I know it. But there are those times when I’ve been so inspired and then I will write what is on my heart and let the world out there read my thoughts on faith and my walk in it. Otherwise, I try to convey my love for God through the pictures I take and the experiences I have, they are all connected for me, but for the reader they may not always get it as it feels inside of my heart and mind. 

Today is one of those days that I wish to write from my heart what I have experienced in church. What an amazing time I had, and for me it never only is about how I feel, but it is also those times of conviction, when God’s word has been presented to me in a way that opens my eyes.  Those thoughts that make me pause and think and contemplate and search my innermost parts and realize where I have failed and then have a time of repentance and moving forward yet again in my walk with the One I serve daily. 

Our church is going through the book of Acts at the moment and today’s sermon notes read: 

What is your Conscience? 

It’s that still small voice inside my head that tells me what is right and wrong. Yes? 

Yes, but so much more when you fully dissect it. As I was reading over each point and as our pastor was preaching; a few things became more clear to me about my own life and I found where I have instances in which I need to think things through and change my thinking a little bit and my actions or in-actions as well. 

I was so glad the sermon notes were so detailed this morning and I’m going to share a few of them here. 

The Function of Conscience

May cause guilt and shame when we sin
May warn us when we contemplate wrongdoing
May approve us when we do what we believe to be right

I think these three points explain the conscience so much better than to simply say “my conscience is a still small voice inside my head that tells me what is right and wrong.” These points help us think it through. 

Your Conscience can be Many Things

You can have a weak conscience
You can have a defiled conscience
You can have an evil conscience
You can have a seared conscience
You can have a pure conscience

This is where I had to start looking at things a bit differently. I had never thought of it like this before. Maybe my conscience is weak because when I watch a television show that portrays sin as funny and I laugh…I’m going against what God would have me do. Or a friend tells me something and I agree verbally, but disagree in my heart just because I don’t want to offend them. Maybe, just maybe I have a weak conscience and I need to figure out how to have a pure conscience. 

In great detail our pastor gave us a definition of having a seared conscience…not in his words, but the gist of what he said, it is when you are involving yourself in something that goes against scripture and you “justify” your actions. That is big stuff. You don’t have to look too far, too deep or too wide to see it happening all around us, folks justifying their sinful ways. Our pastor gave us the word picture of branding a calf and how once that skin is branded the nerve endings are dead and the calf no longer has feelings in that area. The same can be said for our hearts, once our conscience has been seared with sin being justified – there are no more feelings of wrongdoing. 

That is a bit scary for me because I wonder if there is anything in my life that I’ve justified to the point of almost no return? 

It really brings me pause to think of this. 

Train Your Conscience…..

With knowledge of God’s word
Learn and live the commands of God
Grow in faith
Serve God in love from a pure conscience

Basically, we have to keep on keeping on, doing what we know we should do to remain strong and not have a weak, defiled, seared or evil conscience. Our goal should be to have…..a pure conscience. 

The last point…is what really made me pause and question myself. 

Protect Your Conscience

What defiles the conscience? 

False Doctrine
Willful sin

I am probably overly cautious when it comes to all the happening preachers and teachers out there, but this is a good example of why, because I do not want to fall under false doctrine and so many big mainstream preachers and teachers can be a little bit shady and we have to protect ourselves from such things. I would rather not be the most knowledgeable in the room and use the Bible for my main source of spiritual inspiration than to be misled by someone who honestly doesn’t have all the pieces to the puzzle, or has intentions that are not good. 

The main thought I had through this whole sermon today was that when we left the Amish we were told by former Amish folks themselves that we need to forget everything we have been taught and relearn how we think of God. I still believe we needed to do that from the bottom of my heart, but I wonder, is there anything that I’m missing, not from the Amish, but more from an attitude of “I am free from being told what to do and so now I get to do what I wanna do.” I know I’ve had a change of heart a long time ago from that kind of mentality, I have come to learn that there is great responsibility in having that kind of spiritual freedom, all of a sudden I have to be responsible to know why I do the things I do and I have to talk to God and learn from his word and form conviction with his word in my heart.

This sermon made me think about things and want to explore more deeply how I allow my conscience to work. Do I do “willful sin”? You know, watching something on television that is laughing at sin and I laugh with it? Or listening to music with lyrics that are nasty…in fact…very recently…I had looked up a particular song on YouTube…I wanted to see what the video would look like and maybe have more insight on the meaning of the song and right there in the middle of the song, there was an occultic symbol and I was taken aback by it, and YET…when I page through the radio and that song comes on, more than not I linger, because the music is so catchy. I’m totally convinced that I’ve been willfully sinning by giving that song any second of a listen and so I had to repent this afternoon. 

As I travel through this world I’ve been inspired to be more mindful of my conscience, to listen to it, and to give it the proper training and protection so that I don’t have to live with a seared, defiled, evil or weak conscience. 

tornado alley in amish country

Today certainly held an element of excitement. In the morning it was pretty much ho hum, not beautiful and yet not awful either. It was one of those mornings that you just knew was going to either turn out wonderful or not. Well, this area certainly got the “not.” 

The tornado siren is in the grounds of my workplace for the surrounding community and it went off between 2 and 3 pm, I believe, and it went on and on and on for at least five minutes. I thought my ear drums were going to bleed or burst because the noise was so shrill and intense…for so long. My goodness, if you weren’t awake, you were gonna be awake by the time that five minutes was over. Whew! I guess they need to blow that siren for so long, but there is no mercy for those in close proximity. 

No tornado actually hit our area, at least not nearby that I know of, but the clouds that loomed were daunting enough and made one take notice and breathe a bit of a prayer for safety. 

As I left my 9-5 this afternoon I knew I had a bit of free time as my plans had kind of fallen through for this evening. I had planned on going to watch our friend’s son play a game of softball. He belongs to Little League and I wanted to go support him, but because of the heavy rains after the tornado scare the game was cancelled. Instead of coming straight home, I went home via “the long way” and was able to get a few photographs of my Amish Country that I love so very much. At one crossroad I wondered which way to go and felt prompted to make a right and oh mah goodness! I was totally blessed with some of the things I found to photograph. I will try and share some of my adventures after I’m finished writing. I don’t edit my pictures, you get them as I shoot them, but it still takes a bit of time to go through them and decide which ones are post-worthy and which ones are just for me. 

This week I’ve been a bit quiet on here. I have many irons in the fire at all times, but one thing that remains important to me is to fellowship with other ladies, old friends and new ones too. Last night I met with a new friend and I had no idea how long our dinner would go, but we ended up having a two and half hour conversation. We laughed, we shared and got serious and then we laughed some more. The week before was the same way, I met with a new friend who has been an inspiration for me via the blog world for at least a year and then I got to meet her and next thing we knew we had scheduled a dinner to get together and visit and talk all things blog and beyond. Next week I have plans to meet for dinner with an “old” friend…not in age, but we’ve been friends for a good long time now…so that is why she is an old friend. I don’t care, new or old friends, if they are true friends, they are priceless and can only enhance ones life.

Last week I didn’t cook a lot, we had some leftovers around here and then we went out to eat once or twice and ended up not needing me to cook. I missed not cooking, so tonight, after my excursion via “the long way home,” I came home and baked a pork roast, made sweet potato fries to go with the pork and then I also roasted a lot of garlic and made a roasted garlic spread to add to sandwiches or to put on top of meat or whatever we wish. I am totally addicted to roasted garlic. It is so delicious and enhances food to the nth degree! If you’ve not tried it, then you should. You will not be let down. 

After cooking and cleaning up the kitchen and then sitting down and eating the delicious homemade food I felt….complete. I love to cook and when I don’t spend some time in the kitchen creating something I start to feel incomplete. At home I’m almost never dismayed at the food, but so often when we go out to eat I’m totally underwhelmed at the flavors that get thrown on a plate with an $11 price tag or more attached to the dish.  

At this point…I’m rambling, so I am going to go upload a few pictures for you and have a bit of a show and tell and then I have to get to bed. Morning always comes so quickly. Can anyone relate???

Some sheep and lambs grazing. I couldn’t stop looking at all the green around them. They are knee deep in grass. The cluster of trees in the background…priceless! 

I’ve been noticing the cows.

This one noticed me as well. 

This isn’t the prettiest picture in the bunch, however, I noticed the colors, the deep blue sky against the green grass and the two very dark horses, and fence. Lots of color going on. 

A lone horse out grazing. He looked up when he heard me. 

Cows in one pasture, sheep in the other. Beautiful green carpet they are grazing on. 

The herd of cattle by themselves. 

The sheep…be still my heart. How precious this is to me.

I love sheep. We used to raise lambs. 

One lone tree standing tall and regal in the midst of a field, providing not only shelter for the animals and reprieve from the hot summer sun, but also beauty to the passerby. 

Love the tree and love the colors. 

Beautiful winding road. 

A herd of cattle grazing deep in this pasture. 

Someone’s garden is about ready to be planted. 

Mr. Rooster didn’t want to pose, he went running, but I snapped his picture before he got away. 

Here is Mr. Rooster’s wife along with another couple. They just stared at me. Not quite as skittish as Mr. Rooster was. 

There is nothing like a long muddy lane with a cozy farm tucked in at the end of it. 

Friendly Curious cow.

I simply love this picture. The creek winding lazily through this pasture makes the whole picture wonderful for me. 

I noticed the sky while I was out of my car, so I got a shot of it. Not as spectacular on a picture as it was in real life. 

Another shot of the muddy lane. I like the sky and the very green pasture beside it with cows grazing. 

Amish schoolhouse tucked neatly back there by the woods. 

That red barn against the blue sky…love it!

Another lane with a farm at the end of it. 

A different farm. 

Here is their very muddy lane. 

I kind of like it though. 

They sell baskets…I dare anyone to drive their vehicle down that muddy lane and go shopping for a basket!

More pictures in the camera…pigs…onions…more scenery, but I’m whipped and have to get to bed. 

Good night all! 

PS…there were more tornado sirens and storms tonight as I was cooking. I forgot to put that in all my rambling. Must be it wasn’t too dramatic for me, or I would have made mention of it. Now I will say good night everybody! 

my week in review

Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life<span class="crossreference" style="font-size: 0.65em; font-size: 0.65em; font-weight: bold; vertical-align: top;" value="(B)”> in it—I give every green plant for food.<span class="crossreference" style="font-size: 0.65em; font-size: 0.65em; font-weight: bold; vertical-align: top;" value="(C)”>” And it was so. Genesis 1: 29,30

When I am out driving from point A to point B I can’t help but be aware of my creator and all the things he has created in this world. 

He made it all. 

This week when I was out and about I found a few things that I wanted to capture. In the next picture I stepped outside my car in this wooded area and I walked up and down the road just marveling at the rustic splendor. One mini van and one dump truck found me, otherwise it was just me and nature for that moment. God speaks to me of his love for me through his nature. After a long, hard winter I am finding joy in the calm and beauty of Spring with Summer pounding down the pavement fast on Spring’s heels.  I find myself reluctant to let this season end. I want the newness of life to remain for awhile, it feels like if I give in to Summer; Fall and the dreaded Winter will soon be back and I’m just not ready for another snow. 

Not just yet. 

Show & Tell time. 

How peaceful this was in the middle of a crazy day! If it hadn’t been so muddy I would have trekked inside the woods and would have looked for some mushrooms. It was too muddy and I had other things to get back to. 

One of the things that always catch my eye is a tree’s root system. Here is a great one sitting beside a small creek. it reminded me of another root system that I really enjoyed looking at last winter. 

Click on the picture to enlarge it and you will see this tree’s root system snaking all over the place. I thought it was kind of cool. 

A Suspicious Beagle

Me: “Hey, nice Beagle, how are ya today?” 

Beagle doesn’t respond, just stands there and watches me. 

Me: “Do you mind if I take your picture?” 


But then Beagle says, “You better scram, or else!”

Me: “Or else what?” 

Beagle: “Or else I’m gonna tell the whole wide world you are here. Arrrwoowoo Arrrwoowoo!” 

Me: “Don’t you think you are over-reacting just a bit?”

Beagle: “Arrrrwoowoo Arrrrwoowoo!!”

At this point all I can do is snap pictures because there was no reasoning with Beagle, she was going to let the whole wide world know I was there no matter what.

Beagle: “I’m saying, you better be careful wid me, I’m the best watchdog in these parts and I can rip you from limb to limb.” 

Beagle: “You said treats? I kinda like treats, what kind do you have in that bag? I like bacon flavored the best.” 

Beagle: “Hey, whaddaya mean, you have to leave already? I thought we were friendly now that we dined with each other…..come back another day….next time bring a lady a nice juicy bone…or a rabbit would do.” 

Good bye Over-reactor Beagle!

I came across this pond. It reminded me of those infinity pools the rich and famous folks have in their backyards. This one is an infinity pool Amish Country style. It was absolutely beautiful here. I wanted to grab a fishing pole and sit a spell and I’m am not a person that enjoys fishing at all. Besides watching a game of anything, fishing would be the second most boring thing I could ever do. I am not a sports enthusiast if you don’t know me. Just doesn’t make me tick. 

The chubbiest ground hog went gliding into this hole under the tree. She was so cute and pudgy, I so badly wanted her picture but she wasn’t in the mood to pose for me. I contemplated throwing her some of my celery in hopes she would smell it and it would coax her out of her hideout. I figured it wouldn’t work so I saved the celery for myself. 

Horses grazing on a glorious green carpet. The sunshine is what I notice mostly, after coming away from months of very little sunshine I’ve still not soaked in enough of the sun to make my heart forget the gloomy days of winter past. 

Gardening with love. These folks have a whole story to tell in their yard. I may have to go back and request a tour. It was just beautiful and I can only imagine that the beauty will increase as the garden starts to grow.  

Someone put this flowerbed at the end of their property. Loved the tulips and the color they added to this bed. Pretty, pretty! 

I found this old gas well sitting beside the road and I loved the setting around it. The lavender flowers, the green grasses, the trees. All so beautiful.

I held my breath for a moment looking at this scene. 

So pretty in real life. I wish I could have had you with me to witness this.

I found some friendly goats roadside.

They were itchy, so they scratched that itch by rubbing against the fence. 


And last but not least, “Beagle” reminded me of this fellow so I searched my camera for him so I could add him to this discussion. This winter when we were out and about one Sunday we came upon this scene. In the heart of Amish Country there resides a water hook up. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one like this out on a country road, so that was kind of cool, but then to find a dawg near it…well, all the fire hydrant/dog jokes ever told came to mind. Mr. Wonderful and I had to laugh as I crawled out of the car to snap a few pictures. It would only have been more perfect if dawg would have peed on the hydrant so I could gotten that picture. 

This week has been a week of me learning and exploring social media. Instagram, Google Plus, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook. My head is spinning. They are all wonderful vehicles to get your message out and to interact with folks, but my goodness gravy, I am completely overwhelmed right now. When I get overwhelmed I let things sit for a spell and come back to them. I’m doing just that today. I want to clean the garage and my car and then I’m going to go on another adventure. Not quite the same as my adventure last week, if you missed it you can find it here. It was one of the best days in my recent history. 

Other thoughts for today:

I’m so glad my favorite cooking show has a few new episodes; one of which is supposed to air today. I love Ree….she is so genuine. When I grow up I want to be like her. 

At the moment I am kind of hooked on this song. I can apply the words to various parts of my life and just kind of know what the girl in the song is about. When I was younger this song could have been written about me, I think. Enjoy ya’all! 

And the cherry on top of my sundae this week was someone who is from my past private messaged me to let me know they had found me. After a bit of conversation this person then told me they remembered me as a child looking sad and depressed and that as they looked at my profile picture today they found that my eyes now looked like I was at peace.

The eyes are the windows to the soul, and I am so happy this person was able to see that peace in my eyes because it is what I feel for sure, for sure.  Praise God! 

Dear Diary – May 9, 2014 – Fiction

Dear Diary, 

Ellie here. 

I didn’t want to think today. With everything that I learned this week, I needed a break.The girls had been begging me to do a picnic in the woods when it gets nice. They have been going to the bookmobile now that school is over with for the year and the nice librarian, Ellen, who comes along with the bookmobile has introduced my girls to this series with a little girl who goes on all kinds of adventures. Trudy is her name and Ellen thought the girls might be interested in reading of her adventures. Well, Ellen was correct and Trudy has opened up the girl’s eyes to so many things. One adventure Trudy had was when she went on a picnic in the woods and the animals started to talk to her. 

Anna reads the Trudy stories to her two sisters in the evenings at bedtime and the three of them daydream of having similar adventures as Trudy does. So after the breakfast dishes were finished this morning I told the girls that since their dad and Simon were going to be helping Mose Miller with some of his farm work today we would go on a picnic if we got all of our cleaning and the laundry done before lunch time. 

All three girls were squealing and jumping up and down to the point that I had to bring them back to reality and calm them down. After they settled down I made a list for each of us to look on and see what else needs to be done. I let the girls work on the housework detail and I got busy downstairs with the laundry. The laundry always seems endless and while the loads are washing I busied myself with sweeping down the porches and washing a few windows in the basement. I could hear the girls upstairs moving chairs around and scampering from one room to the next dusting the furniture, sweeping the floors, and cleaning the bathroom and kitchen. 

In record time things were cleaned and after I was finished with the laundry I created a new list and this one was for the picnic. 

Going on a picnic list: 

Find the prettiest quilt in the cedar chest. 

4 small vases

4 cloth napkins from the middle drawer in the china closet

4 each of plates, glasses and silverware

4 tablets

The colored pencil set

4 pencils


When the girls saw their list there was more squealing and jumping around and asking questions, like, “you mean ANY quilt, mom?” I told them they could choose any quilt because I knew that my Oxy Clean could get out any grass stain we might get on the quilt and I wanted this to be a special day for my girls. 

I busied myself in the kitchen. Since I had been planning this picnic last night already I had made some finger jello in reds, oranges and purples, the girl’s favorite jellos, and now I quickly cut them in flower shapes with cookie cutters and placed them in a small Tupperware container. Fresh cookies had been baked yesterday afternoon, this time I had made Whoopie Pies and now dessert was spoken for. The main course was going to be chicken salad sandwiches. I am using my neighbor, Karen’s chicken salad recipe, it calls for halved grapes and walnuts and the sandwiches are so delicate and delicious. I had baked bread on Wednesday and so I cut a loaf into very thin slices and quickly assembled my sandwiches. Along with the decadent chicken sandwiches I had vegetables and French Onion dip and potato chips. I placed everything in Tupperware containers and gently placed each container into the ice chest. Already packed in the ice chest were cans of Dad’s Root Bear and Orange Crush to drink at the picnic. 

We were finished with our chores at just the same time and so we got out our Radio Flyer wagon and packed the ice chest and all the goodies the girls had on their list on to the wagon and we headed down the past the barn and trekked back to the woods until we got to our creek. There is a beautiful spot back there that John always says he hopes to make into a camp site for our family one day. He would like to add a fire pit and some permanent seating and clean it up just a bit more. I hope he does because being back there makes one believe that maybe animals can talk just like in Trudy’s adventures in my girls’ book they have been reading. 

When we arrived at our little wooded nook beside the babbling brook I asked the girls to spread out the quilt. I was pleased to see they had picked out the pretty lavender and green one that my grandmother had pieced together. It was made with love for such a time as this. I believe if my grandmother were alive she would approve of us using it today for our picnic. 

After the quilt was spread on the ground we all set about to set the table. Arie and Amy arranged the plates and napkins, Anna and I set out the food in the middle of the quilt and poured out the root bear and orange crush. On the way to our picnic area we had found dainty little lavender flowers and a few bright yellow dandelions and so we picked all the flowers we could hold and Anna quickly arranged those flowers into the four vases we had brought from home, running them down to the creek and filling them with water before placing a small vase at each place setting on the quilt. 

When we were finished setting everything up the four of us stood there and looked at our beautiful picnic but then our hunger overtook us and we quickly sat down Indian style and dug into our scrumptious meal. The girls laughed and reminisced about how in Trudy’s picnic adventure the animals had come out and talked to her. Just then we all saw a squirrel scampering down a nearby tree and the little girls giggled harder than ever because Trudy had talked to a squirrel in her adventure. They wondered if the squirrel might stop to talk with us and just thinking about it made Arie and Amy giggle until they were both rolling around in the grass. 

We lingered over our nice little picnic lunch. I sat there and let them talk. Usually at the dinner table John and I are so often busy discussing the incidents of the day that we tend to push the children aside and so today I let them talk and talk they did. After we were finished with our picnic luncheon I reached into my bag and pulled out the book of Trudy’s Adventures. I had found it at Kohl’s the last time I went shopping on our neighborhood grocery day. It had all ten Trudy stories compiled into one thick hardcover book. When I pulled out the heavy book and the girls realized what it was they all started to squeal and get excited because now they had Trudy all to themselves to read whenever they had the urge to. I’m so glad to have a trusty librarian such as Ellen to guide my children toward good reading material. 

The girls plopped on their bellies, Anna in the middle, Arie and Amy on either side of her and they began to read their new book. I quietly cleaned up the dishes and packed the leftovers into the ice chest and then I settled back on the quilt, flat on my back, hands under my head, my covering tipped up so not to wrinkle it and I closed my eyes and I rested and tried not to think. As I drifted off to sleep I started to dream about a man who was looking for his daughter. It was a strange dream and when I woke up I wasn’t sure what to make of it. I had never seen the man in my dream before and I don’t have a name for him, all I know is he was walking all day, every day, looking for his daughter. 

I felt unsettled after waking up. 

When I woke up I noticed the girls were not reading their book any longer and I heard splashing and more giggling and so I went to check and sure enough, there they were in the creek laughing and splashing in the water. They were soaked from head to toe, but I knew as warm as the day was today they would be dry by the time we walked back to the house. 

I called to the girls and after some reluctance they finally came and we packed everything back up and went back to the house to finish our day. The girls kept telling me how fun this had been and wondered if we can do it more often. I wanted to say yes to them but I also know how hard it is to keep such a promise when we are so busy. 

Diary, it has been a good day today. John and Simon brought back a good report of all that had gone on at Mose Miller’s farm, the girls and I had a good time cleaning and doing the household chores and then spending the afternoon on a relaxing picnic. I didn’t think much about the letter sister Ina shared with me earlier this week. I’m still so confused and not sure what we should do with what we know. I won’t stress out about it tonight though. Tomorrow holds a new day and maybe an answer to what should be done, or not done. 

Either way, dear diary, goodnight, 


Dear Diary – May 8, 2014 – Fiction

Dear Diary, 

Ellie here. 

It was a warm 76 degrees today at the warmest. In the house the temperature read 80 degrees. It was so warm that we opened all the windows and let the curtains flow in the breeze. It feels good to have the feeling of summer in the air. 

The last few days, when we could we’ve been planting the garden, the girls have been helping me. Anna always helpful, Arie likes to imitate Anna and she is starting to pick things up quickly. And then there is  little 3 year old Amy who is quickly becoming like her two sweet sisters. I can say that to you dear diary because this is just between you and I, but I could never admit to those around me that I think my children are sweet and lovely. That would be showing too much pride. Sometimes dear diary, I’m not sure I was supposed to be Amish. I don’t always feel like I’m supposed to on the inside. I understand what Karen, my Mennonite neighbor, says when she tells me, “my children are my pride and joy, if I could have 20 of them I would.” 

Diary, who am I kidding? I’m rambling about my girls when in fact I am blue and upset tonight. I’m not sure how to say this, but I received the most disturbing news this week and since then I’ve been trying to figure out how I feel about things and what to do about them. On Tuesday sister Ina stopped by and picked me up to go spend the day with sister Ruth and while we were in the buggy making our trek back home from Ruth’s house Ina reached into her dress pocket and pulled out an envelope. She told me that last year after our mom had passed away and we were getting ready for children’s sale that she was cleaning out mom’s bureau drawers and under the paper lining of the top drawer she found this envelope. She had paused for a second and then opened it and could hardly believe the content of the letter. She was so stunned and horrified that she quickly placed the letter back in the envelope and placed it it in her dress pocket before any of us other children would see. She decided she wanted to take it home and discuss it with Steven first and see what he thought she should do. 

Her husband didn’t know what she should do and told her to hide the letter in their safe until they could figure out what to do. For the last year that envelope has been burning a hole in Ina’s heart and has caused her many sleepless nights because she didn’t know what to do. Tuesday morning she figure it was “now or never” and she brought it along to Ruth’s house with the intentions of telling all of us sisters together or to see what my reaction was before she decides what to do with it. She decided to go with the latter option and on Tuesday afternoon on our ride home she pressed that envelope into my hands and said, “I want you to read this and then we will discuss what you have read.” She looked relieved and pale all at the same time. I was honestly very apprehensive when I saw how pale and shaken she looked, but as she handed the envelope over to me there seemed to be a burden lifted in her heart. 

Diary, the problem is now I am the one with the sleepless nights. I could not believe the content of that letter and it was a long letter at that. There were ten handwritten pages, all written in our mother’s handwriting. If I didn’t know her handwriting so well, I would have to doubt that any of the contents were true, but as I know my mother, she never lied and was not one for making up stories and so this letter and its content must be true. 

Tonight, dear diary, I do not know how to feel. When I told John about it he seemed to have the same reaction as Steven, it was up to us sisters what we wanted to do with this information. He did say that maybe we should go see Bishop Sam about it and see what Sam has to say, but Ina and I are not sure if that is the right thing to do either. Our mother’s reputation is at stake, if the content of this letter makes it out to the public our mother’s name will be shamed forever, even in her grave. 

My heart is so heavy tonight. The house is quiet, the family is all in bed and here I sit at the library table, mostly staring into the flame of the kerosene lamp that once was my mother’s. The oak library table itself has been handed down through several generations on my mother’s side of the family and a year ago I purchased it for $800  at her children’s sale.

The morning of the children’s sale John had handed me the checkbook and had said, “Ellie, this is your parent’s sale, the last of what they had, look at the amount in the checkbook, you can buy whatever you like with the money that is in the checkbook. I remember looking at the amount that was in the checkbook and wondering if I could ever spend that much money at the sale. Be as it was, I purchased small items all day long, thinking about my children and items they might like to have as keepsakes from their grandparents, but all those things collectively had cost very little and so as it came time to sell the furniture I knew that I wanted the library table and so I bid my brother Alvin up and finally when the number hit $800 he smiled at me and shook his head and said, “let her have it.” Everyone laughed and I have to say, I felt a little bit guilty, but I love that I have it, especially tonight as I sit here writing out all my thoughts.

Diary, is it possible to sit so close to things that were my mother’s and yet feel so far away from her and wonder if I ever really knew her? 

I am getting tired, my eyes are as heavy as my heart, I hope the “Good Man” allows me to get a good night’s sleep and maybe in the new day some light will be shed on what to do with what Ina and I know. 


To read a prior posting please click here.