friends, business cards, and pot holes

One of my best friends and I went out for dinner tonight. We ate at a local little hole in the wall that has the best breakfasts around and you can order breakfast all day long. 

Shhhh, but their breakfasts are better than the local Amish restaurants are in the area! 
Our waitress was one of our friends from years gone by when we were all with the Amish youth and running around in the same circles. It was nice that the restaurant wasn’t too awful busy and we got to visit with her while we ate. It is so fun to get reacquainted with people from your past. 
We have plans to get together real soon to really sit down and visit to our heart’s content. 
Business Cards

I am trying to come up with “business cards” to give out to folks for my website. So often when I’m out and about and in conversation I like to “add” that I am a blogger and so folks ask about my blog and then I see them squint their eyes and make a mental note of the whole “looking in my rear view mirror” website, and state that it “seems easy enough to remember”, but I never know if they really can remember it. So, I want to be able to hand folks a card and say, “Here, you can just take this, it is all on there.” After dinner tonight, my friend and I stopped at my parent’s house so that I could come up with something on mom’s computer, which I did, but then for some really odd reason, the printer wouldn’t print. HA! Mom is going to try and work on it tomorrow and see if she can come up with something for me.
Yep, you read correctly…my mom who is in her 70’s and she is New Order Amish, is going to figure out why my document wouldn’t print! She owns a computer and printer and does work for folks with them. She makes family and church calendars and at the moment is typing up a genealogy book. 
Pot Holes
That I would even make them a “topic” on this post tells you a lot. There are so many pot holes this year. Has anyone else noticed, or is it just me? 
I have had to apologize to my car several times for steering her right into a deep hole. I shudder to think the damage I could have done to her the other day when I hit a big one. Also hit a big one tonight, was going too fast too. UGH! 
I vaguely remember such a season. 
Ever been bone weary and when you lay down on your bed the tension in your body just oozes out of your pores and you relax and smile and breathe a “thank you for this wonderful bed” to God, close your eyes and the next thing you know it is morning? 
I’m getting ready for that moment right now. 

Good night and sleep tight my friends! 

where did the weekend go?

This weekend was incredibly busy, I didn’t feel like we really had a weekend at all. On Saturday we went to stay with my mother in law. She is in her late 80’s and settles in her chair in the morning and rarely leaves the chair but to go to the bathroom and sit at the table for her meals. There are 10 children and we have all been taking turns going and staying with her. We bring her meals and we visit with her. My husband takes his turn along with the other siblings, taking vacation days to bring her meals and see that she is okay.

We arrived at her house on Saturday morning, before 10 sometime and took our time putting the food away, and settling in for the day. My mother in law is always full of news when we visit. She is an Amish lady through and through. She knows almost nothing but just what goes on around her in her community and whatever she reads in The Budget. The Budget comes on Wednesdays and she can’t wait for the mail to go so she can read it. She devours every word. Her sister and husband came to visit her while we were there and they also spoke of The Budget and how they on purpose eat light and simple on Wednesday so there is less clean up so that when the mail goes they can settle right in and read The Budget. My husband’s aunt and her husband, my mother in law and most older Amish folks are typical in that The Budget is their news. They learn things they might not find out from other communities. My mother in law doesn’t care to get the daily newspaper, I always got the feeling from her that the news frightened her and she didn’t want to know what was going on in the world, she just wants to know about things going on inside the Amish community mostly. 

I had to be somewhere else at 4 on Saturday afternoon and so my husband stopped off at his sister’s house while I went to my appointment and then later in the evening we joined two of his siblings and their spouses at a local Amish restaurant for dinner. After dinner we stopped by a nursing home to visit my old neighbor. He is in his late 80’s and had a stroke recently. He can’t talk, but he can do everything else, so he is receiving therapy to try and help him talk once more. It was good to see him and his wife, both were like a second set of parents to me and my brother when we were growing up. 

Going to church this past Sunday has really gotten me to think about what is real and important in life. Two young ladies came and spoke at our church and they spoke of how they were held captive in their country, sentenced to be hanged for sharing their Christian faith with others. I won’t say much because I don’t want to jeopardize them in any way. What I got out of their testimonies was this absolute purpose they felt for their lives, and how their lives are not their own. I don’t think they have any dreams or goals for themselves, it is all about getting the word out and evangelizing. They spoke of persecution and how we need to prepare ourselves for a day when we might be persecuted. They warned we should always be ready. When we walked out of that service yesterday I was without words, I was rendered quiet, because there was so much going on inside of me. I can’t put it into words here, but my soul was stirred like it hasn’t been stirred in a long while. 

Later in the afternoon, after some quiet time and also getting to take a nap, I awoke, refreshed and I called a new friend for me who I have gotten to know through my blog. We had such a lovely visit, I am so blessed to have been meeting so many wonderful folks through my blog and Facebook page. I feel overwhelmed with love and friendship by all of my readers. You are all so kind and lovely to me. Every last one of you are just such a blessing and gift to me. 

Sunday evening found our children here and we had a nice taco dinner. It was simple, but it was fine because we were all together, sharing a meal and fellowship. I am simply overwhelmed at times with how much love I feel for both our children, their spouses, and our grandson.  After the dishes were done my grandson asked me to come downstairs with him, he wanted to watch Curious George on the TV downstairs. He snuggled up close to me and we watched Curious George, then he would go find a couple toys to play with and I would do my stretches in between my grandson’s whims. It was just a nice evening all together. We said our good byes, our daughter and her little family are heading out on vacation on Friday and I doubt we will see them before they return home. I’m happy they are getting to spend some time away, however, that little grandson of ours grows like a weed and is stringing so many words together and I don’t like to miss a thing with him. 

And to end this post on a crazy and random note, here are a few things that you don’t need to know, but I will tell you anyway. 

1. I lost a wager at my 8-5, so I have to provide donuts for my coworkers. I purchased some donuts and apple fritters at my favorite bakery and I’m gonna fatten everyone up tomorrow! 
2. If you were behind me this morning or this afternoon, driving to and from my 8-5, I apologize to you, you see, I’m not used to driving my husband junky old Chevy S-10…and it doesn’t have much power and so going up the hills left a lot to be desired, I know, and you were having a hard time following me, you nearly ran into my back end a couple times, all I can say is, “I’m sorry I was in front of you, no amount of pressing on the gas petal got me anywhere faster.” Sor-ree!
3. After doing some shopping tonight, I noticed when I drove in our driveway that a couple of cats were running and hiding under some shrubbery. They were not our cats, nor the neighbor’s Tommy who already has claimed the barn as his own. I think our barn is going to be overrun by cats if we don’t turn the heat lamp off. It seems to be a signal to cats to stop by and get nice and toasty. Oh and there is always plenty of food, so I’m sure the word is out that you can also fill up your empty tummy if you want to stop by. 

I will leave you with a few pictures I shot from my mother in laws living room. They are out several different windows. The last picture is of her old chicken house. It sits there, empty and forlorn now, but I thought it was a good picture so I added it. 

indecent t-shirts

Nearly every day I read an article on-line, or I see something on television, or in a restaurant or where ever I am at the moment that leaves me with a big old question mark on top of my head. (You know the kind? The ones that cartoon characters have on top of their heads inside a big old bubble?) 

In this case, the lady is out shopping in a mall, happens by a PacSun and sees some indecent t-shirts hanging in the window and is so upset over the display she mosey’s right into the store, stomps her foot on the floor and demands they remove the display from the window, “this moment, right now.” The manager says, “Umm, not so fast little lady, we can’t do that until the corporate office approves it.” So the lady contemplates the dilemma she is in and improvises, and does the next best thing she can do, she purchases every last indecent t-shirt in the display, hands over her money at the tune of nearly $600 shamackaroonies and says, “Now there, that fixes it all.”  She leaves PacSun feeling all nice and accomplished, because she has a plan, she is going to return those babies and retrieve all of her money before the 60 day return policy expires.


I so believe I missed something, somewhere! 

I barely know who this person is, but I saw him interviewed recently and so I’ve been thinking about him some. He is a very interesting person, you either like him or you don’t like him, and what I thought I knew about him, left me full of questions and wonder. I knew that he had done a “shtick” on Jay Leno’s show for years, and always thought he was a lady turned man, but then I read he was in a gay relationship so then I started to wonder, does it make him gay or straight, if he was a lady to begin with? 

For all those reasons of pondering I decided to do some research on Ross Matthews out on the World Wide Web and see if I can figure this out. Surprisingly, I found out that Ross Matthews has always been a male, his voice just never changed! So that explained a lot. He is simply, a homosexual, not a girl turned boy, in a gay relationship. 

I don’t know why I wondered or cared.

But I did.

And now I know. 

And so do you. 

You are very welcome. 

I didn’t read the articles on this, but I did hear it on the news and I saw the headlines all over the internet. I have no answers, only questions on this. 













Humorous Spin and Question Marks, all intended. 

The End.

my friend, elizabeth – part two

This post is an extension from a couple days ago.  I invite you to go here if you  haven’t read part one yet.

Elizabeth makes baskets as a way to sustain her income. At one point in her life this was all she did, but she has gotten into home health care and now works her basket business on the side. 

I will warn you, I have a ton of pictures on this post. Please let me know if you have trouble getting them to load or anything. I didn’t know how many I would be able to load into this post. So, I’m all for trying something, so here goes. 

I hope you enjoy the tour and her basket making process. In total, it took her about 2 1/2 hours start to finish. She made a dual pie basket. It was a custom made basket, the lady wanted her pies to be side by side in the basket and not have them on top of each other with a divider between her pies as you would usually see. 

Again, her entrance into her workshop. As you enter the door you are in the first part of her work shop and then off to the side is another door and there is where she makes her baskets. 

This is her generator she uses for many things, this day it was used to power her shop tools and also later on run the water pump to fill up her cistern. 

She has gas heat in her work shop. This was hanging from the ceiling. It was nice and toasty in her workshop. 

Amish are very time conscience. You will find clocks all over, even in their work shops. 

Here she is cutting her wood on her table saw. Something was giving her some issues, you can see her skirt was swishing because she was trying to pound the thing into submission a little bit. 

Finally, it was working and she sawed her big board in two. 

As she was fiddling with things, I was shooting more pictures. This was taken through her workshop window looking outdoors. 

Her two little dogs were happy to watch her. They were all over the place, almost giddy with excitement. 

Here is her table saw, and she is figuring something out over on her work bench. 

One thing Elizabeth is, is organized. She has order in every corner of her property. Here she has some boxes stacked up with basket making materials. 

Under the ice chest is a a stack of wood, all neatly stacked, ready for her to cut the boards into primitive crafts and then paint them. She is really looking forward to having time to get to this project. Personally, I’m looking forward to see what she comes up with. 

Her dogs patiently waiting on her to finish up so she can play with them. 

Back at the table saw, more cutting is done. 

She is careful with each measurement, making sure her saw is set just right before she makes one cut. 

Another stack of wood boards, ready for her primitive craft projects. 

Her workbench, all neat and in order. 

I’m not sure what this piece is called? Maybe a router. Maybe some men out there can set me on the right course. 

This is her band saw, I think she said.

One thing Elizabeth is, is frugal and she finds ways to organize using the things she has around her. Here she is utilizing empty coffee containers to hold small hardware items, nails, nuts and bolts, etc. 

There they are, all her coffee containers neatly like pretty maids in a row. Nice and tidy. 

She said this was a project she was to do for someone else. 

More of her tools hanging neatly in their place, always knows where she can find her stuff. 

Here she is cutting some very small slats using careful, careful maneuvers. I was afraid for her hands! 

The slats would fling back off the saw and on to the floor. 

The pile getting higher. 

Here she is, actually cutting some of the slats to length, after cutting them the other way first. 

The saw blade when it was stopped. 

All the slats in the right lengths and width. 

She has electric lighting, powered by the generator outside on the porch. 

Now she has to round the corners of this board. It is actually the bottom of her very sturdy basket she is about to make. 

She made this template and it helps her consistently get all her corners just right. 

Just like that.

And the template has a spot right there above her work bench. 

Here she is cutting her corners with her band saw. 

Her workshop is wired really handy for her, she can use an electric sander with no problems. 

More electrical outlets on the side of her work bench. 

She has quite a few windows in her workshop, this is another view she has out back of her work shop. How beautiful is that? 

When you first walk into her basket weaving area of her workshop you see these two half barrels. We will come back to them a bit later. 

She has a large natural gas heater in this part of the room, it keeps the room toasty all winter long. She keeps stains and such in this room and it needs to be warm or the stains would ruin from being too cold. It also helps her to stay warm when she is making baskets and drying baskets. 

She sat down and did a little measuring and figuring. This is a custom made basket so she has to figure out exactly where to place things, otherwise she has templates and things go along a little quicker. 

She has no computer, obviously, so her handy dandy yellow page notebook is where she keeps her orders in order. Beside the notebook are a few sheets of baskets she regularly makes and I think she had them in front of her to jog her memory a little bit of what she might have to do for this custom order in front of her. 

She is organized. Her shelves testify to that. 

Some baskets in various states of the process to being finished. 

Another window, another view from her workshop. She has some plants in this part also. So pretty. 

Her basket making work table. It is low to the ground and handy to lay your work on it. 

More of her organization.

She keeps everything handy and neat. 

Some of her plants. 

Some folks think moth balls will keep the spiders away. I faintly smelled them, and there was the box to prove they were around. 

Elizabeth LOVES to fish. I found her fishing lines on her shelves. 

Another view.

Her dogs were waiting..waiting…waiting for her to be done already. 

These are her basket making tools on her table, handy and up close. 

I forget what she calls this twine..I think she calls it sea grass, but she uses it to “top wrap” her baskets. I love the spools and the grass. 

Her shelving from one end of her little space. 

Her stool, I think she made it herself, it is on rollers and is low and perfect for making baskets. Elizabeth likes to work in comfort and makes things work for comfort. 

Another box of slats. 

I found this old scale on her shelf. I loved it for some reason, so there it is. 

Here she is attaching the handle to her basket. 

She said as long as she is not posing, I was allowed to capture on camera. She just worked and I clicked away. She is so handy with that hammer!

Starting to attach the slats to her bottom. 

Finally, all the slats are on and ready for the next step. 

A decorative reed is attached around the bottom so that you don’t see the slats. 

I’ve made a couple baskets and this part is really hard for me. She makes it look so easy. 

The weaving begins. Her basket is sitting on top of a lazy susan of sorts and so the basket goes round and round as she needs it to. 

The weaving progresses. 

Weaving is finished. 

Decorative reed same as on the bottom edge is now attached all the way around the opening. 

Top wrapping begins. I believe she has three strands going at once here. This part is hard, very hard, I’ve done it before and always need her coaching to get me through the process. 

And here you see, the top wrapping is finished and has a nice woven look all the way around the top of the basket. 

Done with the weaving, not finishing touches.

She uses a torch to burn off any little strands of wood and reed that might be sticking out. This makes the basket look nice and polished. 

She is very careful to get every stray strand. I love to do this part. wink wink

There she is holding the torch so you can see what she is using. 

Now, to stain the basket. First she put on some old coat and plastic apron, grabbed a bucket of stain and stirred it as you see her doing here. 

Then she lifted one of those barrels and turned it around and it was a bowl to use to stain her basket in. 

You see a pile of cloth, she got a scissor and cut a piece off and pitched the rest back on the shelf. 

She made a funnel with a milk jug.

See, just like that. 

Cloth is inside the funnel. 

Her scoop to scoop the stain out of the bucket.

Her stain stirrer. 

Basket is placed inside the barrel and she holds her funnel over the basket and starts to pour stain into the funnel, to be sure there are no particles in the stain. 

Once the stain has been funneled through the cloth, she then takes her scoop and pours the stain all over the basket. When she has a lot of baskets to stain at once, she will pour a lot of stain in her barrel and dip the basket, but since she only had the one, she did it this way, so she didn’t have to mess with so much stain. 

Finally all stained. 

Now she takes the time to rub the excess stain off the basket so that it doesn’t bubble and run as it is drying. 

The basket is finished and now sitting in front of the heater to dry overnight. She said her church folks somehow ventilated the heater so that she is able to do this. Her stain is also a water based stain. 

Cleaning up. 

Another look at the basket. I wonder what kind of pie the lady is going to be baking and transporting the first time she uses it? 

This is part of the pumping system she has to pump water into her cistern. After we were done making the basket and had cleaned up she got this running. But then she noticed her pipe out back was frozen, so she took the time to go out and un-thaw the pipe with same torch she had just used on the basket. 

There she is, using the torch on her frozen pipe. She is a gutsy lady, I have to depend on my husband to do all those kinds of manly man things, but she somehow finds a way to just do it. She does rely on her church men to come help her with some of her work, she did say the first time the pipe froze her neighbor from church came over and showed her how to un-thaw it. 

I hope my pictures didn’t daunt you or were too much. I felt like I had so many good pictures to show of the process and what her workshop looks like. She is a precious lady to allow me to come and take pictures and answer all my questions and still love me at the end of it all. She wants to read my posts once I have them up. I am actually hoping folks will comment either here or on my Face book page so she can read what the readers thought. If you have something to say to her, please let her know here. I will be letting her read all of it. 

I do have one more post to do on her. It will be on her store. In that post I will show you a small sampling of baskets she can do. She said she is pretty much cleaned out right now and doesn’t have a large selection. If anyone would want to order a basket from her, please private message me on Face book or email me at and I will connect you with her.

If you like this post or any of my other posts on my blog, I would love if you would share a link with others. I’m trying to market this blog on my own and get some buzz going so that when I get my book written I will be able to point a publisher to my website and Face book page and show them that there are folks who are interested. I need help doing so though. In return, if you have something you would like me to share for you, please let me know. 

Please like my Face Book page. 


Mr. Wonderful called me this morning and asked me not to go in to my 8-5. When he left for work this morning he nearly didn’t make it out our driveway and when he looked in his “crystal ball of common sense” he could predict that he would be coming home to rescue me and my car out of a snow drift if he didn’t ask me to stay put. 

We are blessed to not live right on top of a road, we have a little country lane off of the road, and it is placed in just the right direction for snow to drift over it if the wind blows just right and there is a certain amount of accumulation on the ground. 

So, after clearing it with the fellow in charge at my 8-5 I set off to do some things around our little cottage. First things first, a load of laundry was started and a nice recipe of banana nut muffins were baked, I cleaned up the kitchen, placed another load of laundry in the washer and was like…so satisfied. The humming of the dishwasher, washer and dryer are whirring in tune with each other and it isn’t quite 8 o’clock in the morning! My, my, what one can accomplish when they have some time at home! 

Housewives, I totally envy your right now. 

A new bucket list item. I want to go here and experience this almost Pied Piper experience. How magical this looks to me. 

I just love animals. 

I can’t help myself. 

Have you ever watched someone around you strive and wrestle with why things aren’t going how they want them to? Some folks talk and dream about their dreams all day long and I was one of those folks for a long while, but I found that if I live just for today, do what is needed today, and I live in God’s will for that day, is when I am most content and happy. A long, long time ago I was in a group of people and this one lady stood out to me, she wanted to preach, with all her heart and soul and liver and kidneys and the souls of her know the kind….she was struggling so hard because folks didn’t take her serious. But what she missed was that her dream was so much bigger than her reality. I wished she could see that maybe God’s will for her life was not what her dreams were. If she could have just seen that she has a ministry every day, right where she is, maybe if she could have understood that her dream might not be God’s will for her to do today, and if she could have lived right there in the day, in the moment, and be an inspiration, she could have likely made more of a difference in other’s lives than to strive and worry and concern herself and become depressed and in angst all day long. How this lady seemed to toil. Toiling and becoming depressed about what we cannot change or make happen does not lead us into contentment.  Lysa TerKeurst is an inspiration to me. She had a wonderful thought on Facebook last night. 

“Here’s an encouraging word for someone tonight – don’t think you’re not doing what God called you to do just because things don’t seem as glamorous as you thought they would be. If you are a woman who honors God right where you are, you are in ministry. Keep being obedient, keep looking for the next open door of opportunity, and above all else hold closely to our Lord.”


Since I never get to take a nap during a weekday, I think I will go take a nap before tackling some things on my desk. 

Ah, the luxury to be able to do so! 

Live this day in God’s will and give your dreams and yourself a little bit of a rest today. Be blessed all! 

my friend elizabeth – part one

Elizabeth Edwards.

 She is my friend.

 No, she isn’t the dead exwife of a former embattled presidential hopeful. She is an Amish lady who fell in love with a young man who came from the “English” and joined the Amish as a young lad and later went on to marry this fine lady. 

Along the way Mr. Edwards completely mistreated my friend and after some years and many a battle and trial, she found herself to be all alone, no husband, no children. He had taken all four of their children away from her, citing her to be unfit. The courts did not agree with him, but because her church forbid her to fight it in court, she was found in contempt of court and lost everything. 

How is it possible that her church would not allow her to fight for her children? How is it possible her husband would be so cruel? 

Over the years I’ve had to forgive her husband and her church over and over again for causing my friend so much pain. 

How could they? 


This past Sunday night Elizabeth and I found ourselves in my study, relaxing on my couch and reminiscing our friendship. 

I had wondered if she would remember the first time we saw each other. I was amazed she remembered, it was at a vitamin and mineral meeting. She had come in to the meeting with her hired maid because that day a nail had flown into her eye and she wondered if the folks who were holding the meeting would be able to recommend a remedy for her eye. 

Elizabeth is a lady you will never forget if you get a chance to talk with her one time. She is unlike so many Amish ladies, she is vivacious, she does life with gusto and admits very quickly when things are not going very smoothly. She is not too prideful to ask for help, but she is very handy with a lot of things, in a lot of ways, and sometimes I wonder if there is anything she cannot do. 

The other day she called me, she had just returned home from her home health care job and she was laughing in the phone and she said, “What do you think?!” I said I didn’t know and asked her, “what’s up?” She said, “I just came home from my job and my back door had been blown open by the wind, probably yesterday already, and there are snowdrifts all the way in my kitchen and hallway and the bathroom pipes are frozen.” She giggled some more and then she told me what she wanted and said, “Well, I have to go get rid of this snow.” 

She was NOT daunted in the least of the snow in her house, or the mess it left, she just cleaned it up. She told me later it took her two hours to remove the snow from her house.

Two hours people! That is a lot of snow…and a lot for her to do all by herself. She is so used to doing things for herself, she never gave it a thought. 

My friend is jolly. She is always smiling or laughing. If you are in the dumps, just go visit her, you will feel better instantly. She loves to play games and she loves to win. She is competitive beyond anything I’ve ever seen and she figures the games out and how she has to play so that she can win. I get a kick out of watching her. If she is losing, she is more quiet, because she is figuring things out and more than not, she comes up from behind and wins. More than not, I say. 

We have done so many things together, but the times I cherish the most are when she has invited us to her home to meet her children. I fell in love with her youngest daughter, the first time I met her. She was dressed like a girl out of “Little House on the Prairie” and she was a young lady with substance. I believe her mother’s prayers found their way to this young lady’s heart and soul. 

I cherish the times I’ve sat in her workshop and we made basket’s together. She has trusted me to help her weave baskets that she sold! She has also patiently helped me make a couple of baskets for myself. I basically did everything, but she had to couch me along and I am sure it took a ton of patience, but she didn’t mind at all. 

There is one thing I can’t stand is when I know someone is alone for a holiday. So, Elizabeth has spent several holidays with us over the years. Somehow those times I remember were more happy and cheerful than when she isn’t celebrating with us. My extended family all receive her with open arms and we always talk about the times Elizabeth has celebrated with us. I think each holiday someone asks me, “Is Elizabeth coming this year?” We all enjoy her so much. She had plans to join us this year, but then got a ride to Tennessee to visit her children, so there was no way she was missing that chance. I was so happy she got to spend Christmas with her grandchildren. She just beams when she talks about them. 

After Elizabeth’s husband destroyed her life and all she knew as normal was gone, she found herself living with her sister and sister’s family. During her stay with her sister she had a vision, a vision how to make a basket. When she woke up she thought it might have been God speaking to her and so she did some investigating, found some catalogs to order basket weaving materials and a long story made short…she started to make baskets and that began her career of basket making.

She had a little store at her home, but then she also found wholesalers who gave her large orders for baskets and she started a really lucrative business for herself in our area. She has told me that since then she has taught many Amish of her kind, Swartzentruber Amish, how to make baskets so they could also make money. She has a heart of gold and will help a person out no questions asked. She doesn’t live with an agenda in her heart. She lives each day with zeal and purpose. Firstly, she needs to survive, she needs food and shelter and her basket business has largely been that source of income for her. In the past couple of years she has moved into home health care and it has been a more lucrative income for her. Her baskets are now the side business and she works on her orders as she can. 

Elizabeth is also interested in painting “primitive” decorative items. She has boards in her work shop all ready for her to get to them when she can find the time. When she talks about this endeavor her eyes light up and you can tell it is where her passion really seems to lie. I hope that she can get this up and running, it would suit her well and she could take some of her work along to her home health care job and work on it when her patient is sleeping. 

The other night when we were talking about our friendship and everything under the sun, I asked her, “Elizabeth, what is your biggest challenge right now?” She paused for a moment and looked me straight in my eyes and said, “I get so lonely. I long for companionship, someone to share my home with and be able to talk with them.” 

Loneliness is such a monster, I think. 

I thought to myself, “if her husband hadn’t ripped her children from her arms and took them out of state to live, she would have less loneliness to battle with.” 

Had to apply forgiveness, again. 

The interesting thing about friendships are that they are giving and receiving. As we sat on my couch and visited about our friendship she brought out things she appreciates about me and I was thinking, “my goodness, we have no idea how our lives touch others.” I always feel like her life touches me so, her unselfish ways, her giving of herself, her laughter and having a way to look at everything in a positive way. How could it be that my friendship adds anything to her life, but I am learning, yet again, true friendship works two ways. 

God has been so good to my friend. He has helped her learn how to extend forgiveness and grace when others might not want to. She has learned to move forward and find fun in life. She loves to laugh and finds ways to do so in many ways. She loves campfires and camping. She loves children, and helping young girls. A young girl from Switzerland made her home with Elizabeth for a few months a couple summers ago. They are still close, writing to each other to stay in touch. Her heart is always to help someone in need. 

She sees her children and grandchildren periodically. They don’t live in the same state, eight hours of road trip keep them apart, but now and then Elizabeth finds a way to the hills of Tennessee to visit with her children, or then they come to visit her. Her children could each write a book of their adventures living with their father and then moving away from him. Most of them now have driver’s licenses and  can, more freely, come to visit her. 

There are many, many layers to Elizabeth’s story, layers that will find their way inside the covers of a book. We are hoping to write her book together, my dream would be to co-author her book and let the world read her side and how she has had to do life alone and how she has found hope in God and how that looks for her. We talk about it a lot. I think we are more ready than not. So, when the time is right, we will start to put pen to paper and see what we come up with. 

This post is actually going to turn into a two or three part post. I took so many pictures yesterday. She made a basket, start to finish, and I have tons of pictures of the process. I also took photos around her property, so those will be in this post and the basket making will be in the second post. 

I really hope you enjoy this post, Elizabeth is in my inner circle of friends. We laugh so much when we are together. We relate with each other on so many levels, both having been hurt deeply in different ways. We can talk about the hurtful times, but we don’t dwell, we are both similar in that we want to “live life”, not just exist. 

Elizabeth’s home.

 It is a rental, tucked back behind a row of houses in a local little town in Amish country. 

She likes to decorate. Here is her front entrance, there is a patio covered by snow, but her decorations still show through. 

Two things…her phone cute…and her solar panel. It creates power for her to use in her home. 

This is her workshop. You will see the inside in my next post. 

Closer up of her workshop porch. 

She has a campfire pit on her property, the picnic table marks the spot really well. Love the trees in the back. 

Closer up, the campfire pit and picnic table. 

Her cat. 

Her peach tree. 

Her horse getting some sun. Beautiful setting. 

Later her horse had backed his backside up to the barn…she called his name and he turned his head to look for her. 

Her dogs, not a good picture, they didn’t hold still very long. They are eating the cat’s food here. They are another source of income for her. Long haired Chihuahua, pure bred. 

Her garden tools neatly in hung up on the barn wall. 

Icicles hanging off of her workshop roof.

On my way home from her house. 

Also followed this fellow for a little bit. Not the best picture. 

Sorry, loved this picture so much…here it is again. 

True friendships are hard to come by. I think Elizabeth and I have something really special. I cherish all my time I get to spend with her. We are both busy and sometimes it goes a long while before we see each other, but when we do see each other it is if there was no time between this time and the last time. 

I also wanted to point out one more thing. Elizabeth used to be Swartzentruber Amish. She grew up and lived a very strict lifestyle for many years. A few years back something happened and she was shunned by the Swartzentruber Amish church. Not to give everything away, that part of her story will be layered inside her book one day. Because of being shunned from her former church she then asked an Old Order Bishop if she could join his church and he agreed and so now she has learned to live among the Old Order Amish while being shunned by all her siblings and everyone else she knew and trusted. 

my mr. wonderful

As I was coming home from my 8-5 tonight I noticed how the sun was causing the scenery all around me to be absolutely fantastic, so I called Mr. Wonderful up on the phone and after our “hi, how are you’s, I asked if he would mind running and grabbing my camera, then taking the steering wheel when I get home, and drive me around to my spots before the sun went away? He consented, and when I entered the garage he was ready to jump in and take the helm so that I would be free to just shoot pictures. 

I told him where I wanted to go and we were off. We had several miles before we got to the first spot and so he “lectured” me a bit and said, “I know you like to take pictures and put them on your blog, but you need to write more. People don’t just want to see pictures of horses and scenery.” 

Honestly, I was a bit hurt for a moment. I then started to defend myself and said, “Well, I don’t know what to write right now. I’m a little bit dry and I like my pictures. My friends like my pictures,” I said with some extra emphasis on the “like”. 

We continued driving for a little distance, both silent and in our own thoughts. I broke our silence and asked him, “do you really like what I write?” He nodded yes. I then teased, “So, you just want me to write more stuff so you can read it, huh?” Mr. Wonderful smiled at me and says, “Yeah, I liked that “Housewives” stuff you came up with. Write some more fiction like that. You can come up with anything.” I smiled and my heart felt warm, because I have something so special, my number one supporter sits next to me through all of life and he thinks I can do anything. 

I am totally aware that I am blessed beyond measure. My husband loves and adores me, I have no questions ever on that subject and I completely trust him. So, I am here tonight to write about him. I can’t wait to see what he has to say after he reads this. wink wink! 

He loves our family so much. A great father and grandfather. He is always there, for all of us. 

He believes in all my dreams and schemes. He is my biggest supporter and cheerleader. Sometimes it takes him awhile to agree, but once he sees that it is something valid, he is right there for me. The biggest such thing was allowing me to go to school for a year about ten years ago or so. I was in my late thirties…it wasn’t the thing Mennonite ladies my age did much, and for sure not Amish ladies. He didn’t like it at first, but then saw my grades and later my pay check and has been supportive of me being a career woman since then. (Having a career helped me with my depression to keep my mind active and my life in a routine.) 

He takes care of all the finances. I probably look inside our check book, maybe 4 times a year. Truth! He takes care of everything. I always say, I have to die before him, because I won’t know what to do with the money if he is gone first. 

He feels responsible to help me around the house, especially now since I work full time and am trying to write a book plus do a few other things besides. He unloads almost every load of dishes in the dishwasher, and helps some with the laundry. It helps so much that he is helpful that way. 

He has walked with me to the crest of Niagara Falls one very early morning so I could “experience” the falls without other people around. There he stood and watched me drink in the falls because I never felt I could fully experience them with so many folks around during the day time. He would have rather stayed in the warm hotel room and slept, but he knew that I wanted to “experience” the falls my way…so he obliged me. 

He loves to fly and has been to various places without me. Usually on a business trip. I don’t like to fly and this pains him a lot. It is frustrating for him, because we can’t see things like he would like to because of my fear of flight. I completely hold him back in this and he loves me still. 

He drives the car so that I am free to snap pictures on a whim. 

He reads the Bible every morning right after breakfast. Has done so for years and years. 

He loves our grandson like nothing else in the world. The two of them are so close and our grandson even has many of his grandfather’s motions and actions. 

He allows me to burn a heat lamp in the barn for the cats even though he thinks it is pathetic and expensive. “The cats have fur and straw to nestle in”, he tries to reason with me, but I still think the heat lamp serves a purpose and continue to burn it…and he pays the bill without a peep. 

One time he went with me to a week long couples counseling. We spilled our guts that week and cried and forgave each other and it drew us closer to each other. Marriage has been hard and not easy, and we are two completely opposite people and yet we have made it this far. 

He loves making lattes in our cafe at church. He does so 2-3 times a month. 

He loves serving on things like the food committee, unlike myself. I just feel in the way. I can never seem to find a niche…but he can find all kinds of ways to be helpful. 

He has been at his company for almost 30 years. Come April 1 it will be his 30 year anniversary. 

He loves watching Bonanza, Duck Dynasty and anything from Alaska. He also likes to watch The Big Bang Theory and The Office…I’ve dubbed him, Delbert Cartwright. I think it suits him well. As does Mr. Wonderful. 

I’m blessed that this man is in my life. He has been through the hellish nightmare of my depression and working through my being abused as a child, he has been there with me in the midst of the storms of being shunned and all the little things in-between. Some days and years are better than others, but at the end of the day I know he loves me, and I love him and we have learned how to do life together without bringing the other down. We build up rather than tear down. We are careful how we say things to each other and we try not to fight over small things…and the big things have become less and less an issue. 

God has been good to us. He has helped us figure out a few things. He has built character inside of us and used that to help us balance each other out. We will never have the perfect relationship, but if we continue to work at it, it can only get better.

I love you Mr. Wonderful! You are the best! You make me feel loved and cherished and wonderful. Thank you for all your support and love. You truly are Mr. Wonderful. 

the beauty that surrounds me

Did you see it this morning? 

It was an absolutely magical morning. 

It was such a morning that it almost stopped me in my tracks. I backed my car out of the garage and there it was in all its splendor, the world that we live in. The first thing I noticed was our fence, it looked like an intricate art display of crystal fencing running around our property. I didn’t have time to run and get my camera, but every minute longer that I was outdoors I could have kicked myself for not bringing my camera with me. I lingered just for a moment, looking all around up here on our hill. The horizon was just spectacular, the woods over to the east was glorious, all the trees looked like crystal and the sun was shining so brightly through the forest and it made every icy spot just glimmer and glisten. 

On my way to my 8-5 I was driving slow as I could take in all the wonder, every fence, every shrub, every tree, they were all covered in ice and the sun caused it all to look rich and glorious. I hope those of you who live around these parts got to see it. 

All day long I thought of my magical morning drive to work, the magnificence of God’s beauty he created for us to see, appreciate and enjoy. How sometimes he makes it more beautiful for us than other times. He allows the rain, the ugly to come, but then he also allows for beauty to surround us and give us hope and encouragement and just be refreshed. 

When I arrived home tonight I quickly made my way into the house to grab my camera and a warm pair of boats and I set out to capture some of the beauty around our home. The neighbor’s horses were outside and so I shot a bunch of pictures of them in the snow. The evening was so pretty, not in the same way as this morning, but still absolutely beautiful and glorious. I found a few shots I would like to share with you tonight. I hope you enjoy God’s beautiful creations as much as I do. 

I first stopped by the barn to feed the cats. We have three, and then there is the neighbor’s old tomcat who likes to sleep under our heat lamp. There he is, he is very shy of me, but I keep getting closer and closer to him. I call him “Tommy”. He is pretty old and beat up, but I like that he likes it in our barn and I like that our three cats accept him under the warm lamp light in the dead of winter. 

I like this picture because of all I see in it, way in the back is a faraway farm and a tree line, closer you see a neighbor’s barn, the corn shocks, the fence, the snow, the horse, tracks in the snow. Lots of stuff going on here. 

This is our Amish neighbor’s freezer shanty. They tucked in right beside our property. Originally they were going to park it on our property but then they figured they could put it on their own property and are hoping it doesn’t cause issues in their church. The electricians and the electric company are used to this kind of thing, and can set them up with no hassles. We don’t even need to collect money because the electric company placed a meter there for the Amish to pay on their own. I think at least four families have their freezers in this shanty and I see them trekking to it all hours of the day and evening.

Our Amish neighbor’s horse. 

The more I look at these two, the more I like this picture. Their manes look mussed, like they have been running around all day or something. I love the old pine tree behind them. 

Not really a favorite picture, but lots of horses. 

They were really noticing me. 


Love, love.

Awe, look how precious. 

My favorite. 

Look at the sun filtering all the way around the young horse’s coat. 

I found icicles hanging on the shrubbery.

A blanket of snow. Kitty cat tracks all the way around the shrub.

The moon was already out. 

Amish buggy going past our property. 

Can you hear the clop clop of the horse’s shoes? 

This morning this fence looked magical, tonight it looks like home. 

Our barn, covered in show and basking in the glow of the sun. 

Ace, my black and white cat. Sitting on the fence. 

Alley Cat, all big and majestic looking sitting on the fence post. 

Unbeknownst to Alley Cat, he is a sign from God that I am cared for and loved.  

I talked about cats on fence posts and what it means to me here; introducing myself. It is way at the bottom of that post.

When I pause and think about all the blessings in my life, when I open my eyes and see God’s creation, his nature, his beauty in so many forms and ways, I’m overcome with his love for me. 

God help me to see your beauty and wonder in everything. Help me to not sweat the small stuff, and care only about what matters to you. You show me over and over again that you care for me, even yet tonight you provided me with another cat on a fence post. How blessed I am to be your daughter and to know you love me beyond measure. I praise you and love you. Amen.

answers to some questions about the amish

Recently I had asked folks over on my Facebook page if anyone had any questions regarding the Amish. I received several questions and will attempt to answer them in my own words and experience, but would love if others chimed in as we know some subjects might have various answers as not all Amish do things the same way. It depends on what type of Amish you are and which church district you live in as to how you do things. 

Bed Courtship or Bundling

I am interested in the practice of bundling. I know that not all Amish practice it..but some still do, altho it’s not commonly talked about, right? And you had put in one of your blogs that you and your now husband had done the bed courtship. is what I’m not clear about….what is the purpose of that? I always thought it was to test the couple’s self I right or no? And I’ve read that with some bundling, there is a ‘board’ put between the couple..I can’t see that really being a barrier tho. Perhaps a blog on the subject might make it a bit clearer to me and to others who might be curious about this practice. And, no, it’s not a sadistic streak of mine to’s just that although the practice has been spoken about in several of the Amish fiction books I’ve read, I am still not very clear on the subject. and just exactly what the purpose of it is.

My answer

Thank you for that question. It is probably about the most embarrassing one to have to answer, and yes, I did refer to having practiced it in a prior post. You are correct that not all Amish practice this method of dating, but some still do. 

The reason for it? I have been told by various folks it was simply because back in the day, the Amish lived further apart from each other and when the boy went to see his girl it was too far to make the trek back home in the same evening, the horse would have needed to rest up before returning home. Because the houses were smaller and beds not many, it was the “obvious” thing to do, to have the boy sleep with his date. I have never been told that there was some for board used between the two, but have read about that version though. 

The Amish are so good at citing this common phrase…“If it was good for our fore-fathers, it is good for us today.” There are many Amish who don’t believe this way of dating is right or good and some parents and churches really take a stand on it. But others would almost “shun” someone if they chose to date any other way. 

I don’t know the statistic of having babies out of wedlock or even an abortion rate among the Amish youth. I know it happens, just not how much.

I am really hoping others will comment either here or over on Facebook about what their experiences have been and what they might know about this practice. 

Celery at Weddings

So nice of you to take the time to do this. I have two questions…1)what is the significance of celery at wedding in some Amish communities? Does it have a meaning? The NY Amish don’t do this (no celery can grow until autumn in the cold temps there.) But I know other Amish do.

My Answer

I don’t know why some Amish serve(d) celery at weddings to be honest. In the past 20-30 years or so that has kind of gone by the wayside in my area.  I cannot speak for the sect we call the “Swartzentruber Amish”. Those folks might still have celery at their weddings. I do remember trays of fresh vegetables being passed at weddings when I was younger. 

Indoor Plumbing

 2) Do all old Order Amish not have indoor plumbing? Can they keep a pitcher of water and a small basin indoors to freshen up in the morning? And is it true that they have one bath night a week, where the whole family uses the same bath water? Thanks for your replies.

My Answer

Very good question. This answer is layered. One first has to understand the various sects of Amish and what they allow and don’t allow. There are three pretty big sects of Amish here in Amish Country, Ohio. 

New Order Amish vary a little bit in what they can and can’t do. They do NOT tolerate bed courtship or bundling. They are the most advanced in farming practices out of all the Amish sects I know about, allowing tractors in the fields and milkers, they have electricity and phones and cell phones and washers and dryers and running water and indoor plumbing. They believe in the Holy Bible and believe one must accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. They teach that and preach it.

Personally, sometimes I have more questions about this sect than any other because they “allow” for people to have tractors with cabs to run all over the place, so when you see a tractor on the road and a husband and wife and sometimes even a small family piled into the cab of a tractor going down the road…those are the New Order Amish. I question why they don’t allow cars and be done with it???? They have electricity and all the modern conveniences, some even have computers and eh hem…wifi in their homes…but it is kept secret.

Old Order Amish are much more advanced than they were when I was growing up. Some of my friends now carry cell phones, but they have to watch to “not have too much on their phone” meaning texting capabilities, having too much data available, etc. Some are allowed to check the weather on their phone, others are not. It just depends on their district and what their specific Bishop will allow. Some districts only allow a business owner to have a cell phone, if you are a poor schmuck who works in a factory or are a farmer, then you are not really allowed to own a cell phone. It all depends on who your Bishop is and what he will allow. 

Some of the Old Order Amish allow tractors, but not the cabs on the tractor like the New Order allows. When you see these on the road, they will oftentimes have a trailer hitched to the tractor and a little family sitting on the back on folding chairs. Especially in the evenings. Not so much on Sunday though. 

The Old Order Amish use solar powered appliances a lot. Even some of the newer homes are now wired so it is more convenient for a lady to run her blender, rather than have extension cords running through her house. Some also use a generator that they have to go out to the barn to start up so that they can use their appliances. Most of my Old Order Amish friends had vacuums, blenders, some even have microwaves in the basement. Notice, nothing is terribly convenient, but still convenient for them. 🙂 

The Old Order Amish also have indoor plumbing and bathrooms and kitchen sinks with drains.

Where the New Order and the Old Order differ is that the New Order believes you must be born again to get to Heaven. The Old Order “hopes” they can get to heaven. Many of them know what it means to be “born again”, they know about Jesus, but they don’t know about relationship with him so much. I’m speaking “in general” because there are those who know better and different. I have friends who actually have a radio and during the day they will listen to preachers on the radio and they know the gospel truth. 

Now, if one does know the gospel truth, they will most likely keep it to themselves. They might refer to the “good man”, but not often will you hear them say God or Jesus. (“It is all up to the good man.”)  

The Swartzentruber Amish are more a mystery to me. They do everything the old way. They do not give in to anything it seems and they are hard to get close to. They have a ton of rules and they watch their members closely and if as much as a pleat is not the right size in a lady’s covering, she will be confronted. These are the folks with no indoor plumbing and they often live a hard life. They are also watched, to be sure they aren’t making too much money. There was this story floating around a few years back that this family was making baskets and since they lived along a major highway in Amish Country they made a ton of money and the Bishop made them give money to other members…and I thought the story went that they also had to quit selling so many baskets. I can’t remember the whole story anymore, but remember there was an issue of one family making too much money. (I guess you could say, on some levels, the Swartzentruber Amish are Socialists….they redistribute the wealth!) My understanding is that they very much have a works based gospel…they are constantly trying to do good enough so they can go to heaven one day. 

I really don’t know how often these folks bathe, but I’ve been told it isn’t very often. I am sure there are pitchers of water around the house, but I don’t really know. Again, I hope some folks reading this and have had more experience with the Swartzentruber Amish will comment and tell us more. 

The New Order and Old Order Amish all bathe often, probably most bathe daily, just like you and I do.  

What Bible do the Amish use?

I’m a newbie so I don’t know much about you. I have several questions but I will only ask a couple. On the spiritual aspect, is the Bible the Amish use similar to the King James Version only in their language? 

My Answer

Another great question. The Amish I rub shoulders with mostly use an English version to read the Bible. They like the King James Version, but I’ve seen the New International Version and the New King James Version laying around too. Some Amish still also use a German Bible, but I could never read in German, so I couldn’t tell you anything about those versions. They do still read in German in their churches and I have a feeling the Swartzentruber Amish probably require their members to read in German, if they are even allowed to read a Bible. I’m not sure they are allowed to for fear they would know too much. 

Are there arranged marriages? 

My Answer

Not at all. Unless the Swartzentruber Amish would, but I don’t think so. Never heard of it. 

Do some look outside their local group in order to keep blood lines from crossing?

Some do venture to other states and districts to find their partner, but I have never heard that it would be to keep blood lines from crossing. I can remember my mom telling me that I should not date or marry anyone who is as close as a second cousin to me, anybody further away than a second cousin would have been OK for me to marry. I suspect many young people were told the same thing. 

Thank you all for your questions. I will reiterate, if you have any input, please comment below or stop by my Facebook page and either leave me a message or comment on the page with anything you would have to add. I answered with what I know and what I’ve experienced, but I’m sure there is much one could add. 

ice fishing with larry and mitch

My friend, Larry and his brother in law, Mitch wanted to go ice fishing. I was having a conversation with Larry the other day and asked him if he would ever want to go fishing in a little pond. He said he would be interested so I text messaged my dad and asked him if it was OK if I brought my friend over to ice fish on their pond. The answer was positive so we planned it. Saturday, noon-ish, Larry would call me when he was leaving his place so that I would have time to grab my camera and make the five mile trek to my parent’s home. 

Make sure and click on the first picture and then it will turn into a gallery and you can see the pictures much better and with more detail. 

The pond. 

Larry drilling a hole in the ice. He has this handy dandy auger thingamabob and in 30 seconds flat he has a solid eight inch hole! It was amazing to watch the first time I saw him go at it. 

He has some kind of handy dandy scoop thing that he uses to dig out the chunks of ice in the hole. 

A little better view of the tool. 
Notice, even his box is in camouflage. He is big time.  

He measured the ice using the handle, a solid 10 inches thick, maybe more. 
I felt safe walking on the ice knowing it was that thick. 🙂 

There it is, one of the half dozen holes he dug trying to find where the fish were hiding out. 

This is how you set things up so you don’t loose them in the snow. Larry knows every trick in this trade. He is a boy scout leader and if I was ever lost in the wilderness I would want to be lost with him. He knows things….lots of things and he is prepared! 

The handy dandy auger drilling machine. There is a blade at the end of the auger and it is sharp, very sharp. Once I seen that blade I better understood why it took thirty seconds to drill a hole. 

Larry didn’t really want a front view shot of him, but didn’t care if I took pictures from his back and side view. He knew I was going to put the pictures on here and felt a tad shy.

Some fishing lines, extra gloves and tackle box. 

Here he is showing me his fishing lines. Now, I really learned something here, I didn’t know you used shorter lines for ice fishing. They were so cute! Like a toy, almost, but I bet they are expensive. 

Here he was telling me he likes the one line better than the other but then something happened and his favorite line broke, so he had to use part of another line on his favorite one to make it usable. 

See, short line in the hole. Mitch is in the background. He was kind of shy too, but very friendly when the camera wasn’t clicking away. 🙂 

Here Larry is checking to see how deep the water is. He surmised it to be roughly eight feet deep right there. 

No gloves for Larry. 

He tried it over there under some brush my dad lets grow around part of the pond. Hoping it would prove profitable. 

I tried a different angle, through the brush, I took a couple of shots, and kind of liked this one.
After this shot my toes were so cold I had to be a wimp and go in and warm up in my parent’s house. I asked Larry to call me on my cell phone if he caught anything. 
He did. He said it was one small blue gill so far. I told him I would be out in a few. 

I returned to the pond to find this little feller. He looked dead. Dad and Larry had agreed that any “small ones” Larry could leave for the coons. I understand, too many small ones in the pond makes so nobody grows in there…and that’s not good for the pond or the fish. After awhile Larry and Mitch gave up, no good fishing today, only the one small blue gill was to be caught this day. 
I probably talked too much and when I was walking all over the place I probably made too much noise…I did notice when I went in the house is when Larry caught the one fish! I just had to ask my questions and try to get the best shots possible. A girls’ gotta do what a girls’ gotta do. 

I looked at the small fish, it flip-flopped, it looked sad. I knew it was alive and I looked up at my parent’s house, knowing dad said to leave any small ones on the bank..but I just couldn’t let it stay there to die. I asked Larry if I grabbed it by the tail, does he think I could throw it back in….he said, “sure”…so I did…I saved the small fish’s life this day. Dad will probably fish him out next Spring, but I don’t have to be there for that. He lives and that is all I cared about today. 

Across the road from the pond is a field. those brown markings in the snow is liquid manure. I bet the area stunk to high heaven whenever they sprayed that on there. It does make the crops grow so well, but it really stinks too! 
On the road you will see three bikers…they are the neighbor kids coming over to my dad’s property. Their dad was cutting up some trees in my dad’s woods. I wanted to take pictures of the tree cutting operations, but didn’t have the nerve. Some Amish really don’t want their pictures taken at all. I didn’t know about these guys so I left them alone. 

Here the one little boy was walking through the woods from his house to dad’s woods to help his dad cut down the tree. 

On the way home I paused in front of an Amish home to get this shot for my readers who aren’t from the area. Mr. Horse has a blanket on, this means his owner is taking care of him…very well.
One can pause on the road in Amish Country if nothing is behind you. 

More buggy shots. 

And the horse’s feet. For some reason…I wanted a shot of them. 
And that, my friends, ends my fish tale for the day. It was a lot of fun for me, probably more of a hassle for Larry and Mitch, but they blessed me by humoring me and allowing me to take pictures of the process.