velveeta cheese and chef boyardee

I made lasagna today. A pan to share with a friend and a pan for us. I make a Bechamel cheese sauce to go in my lasagna. It really cuts the tomato and makes a nice creamy lasagna, so there were all kinds of things going on my stove top and kitchen counter early this morning. Bechamel sauce, meat sauce, ricotta mixture, lasagna noodles…you get the picture? 

While I was mixing and stirring and simmering I started to think back at some of the things we used to eat when I was a kid. One thing that mom always had on hand was Velveeta Cheese and we put it in everything. We melted it into soups and casseroles and toasted cheese sandwiches and used it for the cheese to top our homemade pizza’s

As I thought about those pizza’s, I also remembered where the pizza crust and sauce came from. A box, a Chef Boyardee box, to be precise. The crust was nothing like the crusts you get if you order from a pizza shop nowadays. If I remember correctly it was more like a spongy, sweet crust.  I’m surprised to see they are still able to sell them. Maybe the recipe is better than it used to be? 

At first thought my stomach was a little bit appalled that I would have ever thought that kind of pizza would have been good with slabs of Velveeta Cheese melted on top, but then I reined in my thoughts and applied some “mercy”, remembering that “back then”, 35-40 years ago we didn’t have the pizza shops around the corner ready to deliver pizza at our whim like we do today. If we wanted pizza we would have to make it and the Amish do not come from Italian descent, we aren’t born with olive oil in one hand and a garlic clove and a sprig of oregano in the other, rather we are born with a pound of  butter in one hand and a 25 pound bag of sugar in the other. 

After Mr. Wonderful and I started dating and I would be at his house for dinner, especially Saturday evening dinner, there was their version of pizza, the crust made with Bisquick. The pizza sauce was homemade and sweet, almost like ketchup in flavor. The toppings varied in both my mother and mother in law’s kitchens. Usually there was hamburger on top and maybe some onions and canned mushroom, and always the Velveeta Cheese. 

In today’s world, now that I have access to television in three rooms in our little cottage on the hill, I have been able to go to school via The Food Network and learn from top chef’s all over the world. They have opened my taste buds and eyes for what is good and what you let go by the wayside. The biggest thing I’ve learned from The Food Network chefs is about the cheese. Cheese brings flavor and there are more cheeses in the world than the Velveeta and Swiss cheeses that I grew up with. I used to have Velveeta on hand in my refrigerator at all times, feeling an almost apprehension if I used the last of a loaf and didn’t have a reserve to lean on by the time we went food shopping. Today, Velveeta no longer reigns supreme in my kitchen. I seldom use it. I always thought  macaroni and cheese wouldn’t have flavor and creamy texture without the Velveeta, but in today’s world I make 3 and 4 cheese macaroni dishes and then I bake it off with Panko crumbs and butter to crisp up the top and we end up with a very delicate and elegant entree. 

Baked Macaroni and Cheese

My favorite cheeses are, locally, Steiners Swiss Cheese, and then I also like to keep chunks of Baby Swiss, Havarti, Asiago, Provolone, and Parmesan in my fridge, but don’t always have them all on hand at once. I like to use Sharp Cheddar when I need a more orange color for a dish, like a salad or appetizer. 

I was told that Steiners Swiss Cheese is made with the Saturday night milk. It is unseparated, so the cream remains in the milk and you get this amazing creamy swiss cheese and full of flavor. (I’m always looking for flavor, just ask my sister.)
Having said all that, I know Velveeta Cheese is used by many because I read recently there is a real shortage of Velveeta Cheese so I guess folks are still mixing and stirring it into all kinds of dishes, or there wouldn’t be a shortage, huh? If you use it and like it, don’t think I sit in judgement of you. Personally, I’ve moved on, that doesn’t mean everyone else has to. 

 I also know that some folks can’t afford to purchase more expensive chunks of cheese and if we were feeding a large family I am sure I would cook more like my mother and mother in law did, feeding the family on stretched out dollars.

I found this picture of a pizza that look similar to my childhood pizza’s. Only difference is the shape, we always made them in rectangular baking sheets.

My favorite pizza in the whole wide world is a light and pillow-y crust, a bit of olive oil on the crust, top it with some mozzarella cheese, sprinkle a few black olives, onions, fresh mushroom, cherry tomatoes – halved, fresh basil leaves, a few bacon bits and more mozzarella, with some Parmesan sprinkled on top and more olive oil drizzled on top of the parm. Talk about flavorful and delicate! 

Unsalted and Seasoned

I like healthy but with flavor. I watch salt intake and don’t use a lot of salt to season, only to enhance the seasonings I use in my dishes, but never to be the source of flavor. 

My favorite seasoning is garlic powder, not garlic salt, and then if needed I add some salt.

 I use all unsalted butter as well. 

Other favorite seasonings are cumin, rosemary, black pepper, onion powder, and scantily will use Lawry’s Seasoning salt at times. 

When cooking I also use a ton of onions and garlic. It is amazing what those two can do to a dish and I use them liberally. At times my kitchen smells like an Italian kitchen because of all the flavors I use. (I love to confuse people.) 

So, what are some ingredients your mama used, but you no longer use?

If you’ve not done so before, you might want to go over to my Facebook page and “like” it so you get all my updates. I write and share snippets of thoughts and pictures over there as well. 

memory making-baking day with "little guy"

Earlier this week I text messaged my daughter and asked if “Little Guy” could come have a baking day with me on Saturday. She consented and said she would have him at our house by 9:30 or whenever he wakes up.

I feel like if I don’t just plan to spend time making memories with him then some other someone or something is going to always compete for my time or his and one day he will be all grown up and we won’t really know each other and I will be just an old person in his life who he has to be respectful to and spend holidays with. I don’t want it to be that way, I want to be old and he has a warm heart toward my husband and I because we spent time with him and cared for and loved him when he was growing up. I hope he will want to visit with us when he is older and we are one of his priorities and enjoyments in life.  I feel because I work full time and am doing other things on the side that I can and do neglect so many folks in my life. This is one person that I just don’t want to neglect, ever.

I set my alarm clock for “early” this morning so I could get up and make the cookie dough as it needed to be refrigerated for 2 hours prior to baking. I got the dough all mixed up and in the fridge and then cleaned up the kitchen, started the dishwasher, took care of the last load of laundry in the dryer from last night and then I hit the sack again for an hour. 

Little Guy knew he was going to bake cookies with grandma before he came, so he was excited and didn’t care when his mama left him here.
Here they are arriving, potty chair also came along because Little Guy is being potty trained. (Only problem is, he is only trained when his parents are with him, because grandpa and grandma have not been so successful with the potty chair today. In fact, he had two accidents so I ended up doing a small load of laundry because we will need fresh undies if another accident happens. I’m’s all good.) 

First block of cookie dough, ready to roll out. I was getting started before Little Guy arrived. 

Cutting out some cookies. 

  (His grandma has issues when he is around with overuse of her camera. He knows to pose or ignore, whichever he chooses to do if fine with grandma, because the pictures are all good, all the time. ha ha)

Taking a stab at rolling out the dough. 

He did a pretty good job rolling out the little ball of leftover dough, but then he was kind of over it, done, finished, kaput! 

He asked for marshmallows and took a seat, wanting to watch “ga ga” (aka Curious George) 

Selecting the perfect marshmallow. 

Maybe a couple at a time would work better? 

Taking aim.

And stuff it in. 

I love that I caught the marshmallow on his lips. Cute! 

Grandpa is always game to watch “ga ga”, Blues Clues or Bubble Guppies. I loved how Little Guy was sitting here with his legs crossed. At this point he had moved on to “ships” to eat. Yes, we are the worst grandparents, he has done almost nothing but eat snacks all day. Usually he wants to eat “steak” which is any kind of meat, but today, no steak, no macaroni and cheese, he even peered into the fridge and nothing looked acceptable to him, he just shook his head and said, “uh-huh!.” He did eat some Raisin Nut Bran cereal with grandpa, so I hope that counts as healthy and sufficient. He refused the apple and banana I offered as well and never tasted even one of the cookies. Insert un-smiley face.

He watched me frost and decorate a few of them, but always kind of ended up back in the living room watching “ga ga”. It’s OK, he spent that time with grandpa. 

I used this recipe found here: Lofthouse Style Soft Sugar Cookie.

Three sheets full of heart shaped cookies in various sizes. I packaged most of them in Tupperware containers and will send them home with Little Guy. He can give them out to his friends and family for Valentine’s Day if he chooses to do so. They will keep well in the freezer so I’m glad we made them ahead of time and they will be there for him to give out whenever they see folks he wants to give some love to. I kept a few for us, but my husband doesn’t like cookies with frosting on them and I don’t need them, but wanted a few because after all that work, it would be awful not to get to enjoy a few of them. Yes? 

All of a sudden he got real quiet, there he was on the couch, conked out. I text messaged his mama and asked if it was OK if he took a nap and for how long. She said it was just fine, not to worry, so while the house is quiet, I am typing up my post and downloading pictures. 
I love this little fellow so much. So grateful for any moments of time I get to spend with him. I like to look at his features and watch his little hands and feet. The way he says things and moves his lips around to make noises and sounds, how he expresses himself, so cute and his own little person. He is such a blessing in our family.
A Saturday well spent..and Little Guy’s parents got to spend the day doing various things that otherwise would not have been so easy to do with him in tow. It just worked out all around. 
I like when things work out like that. 

the elusive sun and a bowl of morels-bisque style

On my way home from my 8-5 today the sun was in my rear view mirror, almost too bright, and I had to put my hand up to shield my eyes from the brightness. I couldn’t bring myself to turn the mirror away because I feel we see the sun so little this season that when it decides to come and ride with me in my car, I want to experience it fully. As I neared my home my friend called me and so I picked up and we said our hello’s and she asked me a quick question, I answered and as I pulled in my driveway I noticed the sun over our neighbor’s barn. I couldn’t contain myself, the sun was just so magnificent, there were almost rainbow colors running all over our backyard and even into the sky. There was a cotton candy pink color all over. It was just fabulous.  Seeing all the colors and brilliance I had to get out there and get a few photos so I simply asked my friend if I could call her back, she said yes, I quickly parked my car in the garage, ran into the house and yelled at my husband, “Can you quick run downstairs and grab my camera for me?” I should probably take the question mark out of that sentence because it was more a command than a question. As he ran downstairs, (wonder what was going through his mind as he was fetching my camera?) I grabbed a scarf and tied it around my face because it was cold as blitz out there. I ran outside and took the fastest pictures ever. The sun was going down so quickly, it is crazy how fast the horizon changed in just two minutes time. I never did get the cotton candy pink color that I experienced as I was driving in our driveway. 

So sad about that.

There is the sun, taking a dive behind my neighbor’s barn. I love how it is peeking through the tree, and over the roof of the barn. 

Here the sun is peeking though one of our evergreens by the patio. 

And there she goes, no more peeking, she is off to say goodbye to someone else. 

After I fed my cats and made sure they were tucked up nice and warm in the barn, (we have a heat lamp and a big huge spongy straw bed for them, they are never uncomfortable) I came inside and my sister called me. We chatted for a couple moments and then I was off to the kitchen to get creative. I had brought up a mushroom bisque recipe on the Internet, and then I did what I do best, I improvised. The recipe just didn’t seem right, so I made it my way. It is the first time that I ever made it so I have a ways to go to get it to match what is my favorite at a certain restaurant we frequent. I think I need to figure out how to get the bisque to be darker in color, the flavor was there, it was simply delicious, I just wasn’t happy with the color. The restaurant usually serves warmed up pita bread alongside the bisque, I didn’t have pita, but I made some croutons to serve with it, and it also lent some delicious flavor to the bisque. 

My first bowl of homemade mushroom bisque. 

I made dijon, ham and cheese panini sandwiches to go with the bisque. 

We had some old bananas so I pulled up another recipe on the Internet and tried a stab at banana nut muffins. I’m not the best baker, I cook better than I bake, but for a first time, I think they will do. They seem moist. They are in the background. In the foreground is a plate of excellent coffee cake my daughter in law made and gave us some. I had a slice tonight and it is absolutely divine. She is an excellent baker. 

That is about it for tonight folks. I was feeling more creative in the kitchen tonight than wordy. I hope you enjoyed my foodie post anyway. 

Cheeseburger Soup

There is nothing like a hearty bowl of soup to warm the bones and your soul in the dead of winter. I make a lot of soup in the winter, a big batch and my husband and I are set for a couple of day. We take it along for our lunches and we have it for dinner. It is also very cost effective because you don’t have to make more food for awhile. 

Some folks don’t like leftovers for too many times in a row, but I feel like you can keep the soup and switch up what you eat with it and it remains delicious and satisfying. Maybe at lunch have a nice piece of fruit and at dinner you can add a salad or some kind of bread and it is not the same old thing. 

The other good thing about most soups is that you have most of your food groups right there, there isn’t much thinking about what you still need if you add a piece of fruit for dessert. 

Today I want to share one of my most favorite soup recipes with you. I like to make it when our kids come home for dinner and then we have the leftovers the next couple of days. I also like to send leftovers home with the kids. I purchase those quart size deli containers and lids at Gordon Food Services and keep them on hand for when the kids come home. They are a nice and inexpensive way to send food home with them and nobody has to worry about returning anything. 

Cheeseburger Soup

2 lbs hamburger
3/4 cup chopped onion
1 1/2 cup chopped carrots
1 1/2 cup diced celery
4 1/2 cups chopped potatoes
1- 14 oz can chicken broth
2 cups water

1 stick of butter
3/4 cup flour
3 cups milk

3 cups Velveeta Cheese

salt and pepper to taste

Brown hamburger and onions. 

Cook vegetables in water and chicken broth until tender. Maybe 8-10 minutes after they come to a boil. (I use shredded carrots rather than chopped.} 

Mix hamburger/onion mixture with un-drained vegetables.

Make white sauce with butter, flour and milk, add Velveeta Cheese to white sauce and stir constantly until all the cheese is melted. 

Make sure your hamburger/vegetable mixture is simmering good and then add cheese sauce to the pot and stir until fully incorporated. Do not allow the soup to come to a boil after cheese sauce is added, but make sure it is hot through and through before serving. 

A caution with salt, the Velveeta Cheese has a lot of salt, so taste the soup before adding too much salt. I like a good amount of black pepper though. 

Let me know how you liked it, if you make it.