laptop woes, prescription woes, grumpy cat

The hour this finds me typing away on my trusty old laptop is 2:42 AM. I awoke about an hour ago and was wide awake, so after trying my best to fall asleep again I finally gave up and got up. I don’t know if I will stay up, or if I will attempt to fall asleep yet this morning. I am pulling an extra shift at my 8-5 today, actually planning on starting at 6 AM. We are busy and everyone is pulling their weight who is able to do so this weekend. 

The last two weeks have been “two steps forward, three steps backward” kind of weeks. I don’t know if I can even explain, but there has been a lot of frustration with getting things shipped to our home. Our laptop had given out a few weeks back and so our friend who knows things about computers looked at all kinds of possible causes and thought we might have a dead battery. After much frustration with ordering a battery via Amazon and not being able to get it shipped to our home my husband actually went to Best Buy to purchase the battery directly from the store, only to be told that it was a lot less expensive to order it via Amazon. At Amazon you can purchase them for less than $25, Best Buy will sell you one for nearly $70. So, it was back to the “drawing board” with Amazon and I changed our physical address to our Post Office address and “Presto!” after about two weeks of dilly dallying around…we have a battery for our laptop, but not so fast! Now the battery directions say you can’t use your laptop for “X” amount of hours, I think like 12 or 16 hours, after installing the new battery. So, I was still not able to use our laptop right away. 

Some of you might remember that my sister went on vacation a couple weeks back and so kindly allowed me to borrow her laptop, which I still have, but there has been a problem with her laptop and the program I use to type up my blog posts. I use Firefox on my computer, she doesn’t have it on her computer and Internet Explorer would boo and hiss at me and would sometimes shut down when I was trying to type. 

In a nutshell? 

I’ve been basically “shut up” the last couple weeks, I was able to put up posts using Internet Explorer, but it was a chore to say the least. 

So, I guess the stars have all aligned, the sun and moon are doing their thing and I can once again type up posts on our laptop. 


On to bigger and better subjects. 

Well, not really bigger nor better, but on to a new subject. 

Another frustration I had to deal with this week was dealing with the online pharmacy. You know, communication and understanding how things work makes life so easy. If you don’t understand how things work you end up with issues like I had this week. 

I have a thyroid problem and so I have to take one little pill each morning and I thought I had set my pills to be auto-filled, but having switched doctors and a new prescription from her office, things were not “set in stone” the way I thought they were. This is where communication and understanding came in, there was none on my end. 

As I came down to having only a couple pills left in my bottle and knowing it is pretty much crucial I have those pills I did the dreaded thing and called in and asked about my prescription. Turns out that it was not set to refill for another 5 weeks or so, but the pharmacy customer service lady was so nice and helpful and put me on hold several times and would come back to let me know she was still working on things. My ear was all sweaty and my brain numb by the time she finally truly got back to me with some information. Because of being so low in supply I was able to go to my local CVS pharmacy and make my purchase there, however, I had to call “this number” and tell them I needed to “finish maintenance supply order”. Good enough, I called that number and talked to the Mr. Pharmacist Himself and he was completely confused, he asked, “Are you from the doctor’s office.” I said, “No,” and explained what was going on. You know when you can hear in the pause of the person you are chatting with over the phone that it seems like there are question marks floating over his head like in the comics? We had such a moment. 

Mr. Pharmacist Himself finally sort of figured out what I was talking about, took a bunch of information from me and said he would “give them a call.” I assumed “them” was the online pharmacy. I had serious doubts that I would have a prescription waiting on me yesterday when I went to pick them up, just because of all the back and forth, but you know what? Those stars and sun and moon had all aligned just right and the prescription was waiting for me! 

I felt blessed and taken care of. 

Thank you God! 

For loving me and for seeing to all my small needs. 

I have a grumpy cat

Remember when I started this post I said it was “early this morning?” 

When I got up our house was hot, so I opened the french door leading off the dining room to cool down the house a bit and here comes one of our cats. Calico, she is old, probably eight years old or so, she is the worlds loudest and biggest grump. I don’t take a lot of pictures of her because she doesn’t bring one “warm fuzzies” she is mean to everyone and bosses us all around. Well, she was quite vocal on the patio this morning so I finally gave up and went out to the barn to make sure there was food in the bowls because that is what she normally complains about the most. Well, turns out there was still some food in the bowls, but she needs them all full before she can eat. When I left the barn at 2:30 this morning she was busy munching away. 

Glad we have that taken care of. (notes of sarcasm in my tone)

The other thing I did notice was our other two cats were not around. Hmmm? I wonder where they are? Out looking for food? Surely they don’t go to the neighbor’s to sleep? Everyone in our barn has had their operation and there is no straying around looking for boyfriends and girlfriend, so I just have to wonder where those two were so deep in the night. 

Yep, these are things I wonder about.

Yesterday I learned something in the kitchen. 

I learned that “low and slow” can be too long for some things. I had a doctor appointment yesterday morning so on my way to my 8-5, I stopped at home and put a couple racks of ribs in the oven to bake “low and slow” for our dinner last night. Well, I ended up working late and so had Mr. Wonderful pull them out of the oven when  he got home. He also baked up a couple of potatoes for our dinner while he waited for me to come home. 

Anticipation mounted all day, I could taste those ribs all afternoon, I couldn’t wait to bite into one of them and savor each bite. Well! Not so fast honey! Those ribs had been baking too long and they weren’t burnt to a crisp, but the sauce had turned very thick and was setting up hard and thick. Most of the ribs were eatable, but they weren’t awesome. Sigh…but now I know. 

The baked potatoes? Were wonderful, just like Mr. Wonderful, himself
That’s it folks and I’m off to bed

Yesterday morning when I backed out of the garage the sunrise was so spectacular, had I not needed to get on down the road to my appointment, I would have tried to get a couple pictures of it. I can’t remember when I’ve seen those colors together up there in that vast, blue sky of ours. The blue was almost a silver at points, and the sun kept fading in and out of the clouds. I watched it all the way to my doctor’s office. What a spectacular display it was. It reminded me of how awesome God is, he doesn’t need a paint brush to paint anything, he can just command it to be so…and it is so. 

With that thought I’m going to close up shop here and going to try and get a few more winks before I have to actually get up. I hope your weekend is full of small blessings and you can see God’s hand in everything. I know I will be looking for his “wonder and awesomeness” as I make my way through another day. 

centipedes and more

Centipedes are one of those creepy crawly things that I just don’t enjoy. You know how snakes gives one the shivers and shakes? Centipedes give me the same feelings. I use our basement bathroom and this morning when I wanted to take a shower there was a huge centipede in my bathtub! I got the shivers and shakes. My husband was upstairs using his shower and I knew I couldn’t ask him for help so I did the next best thing I knew to do. I turned on the water and I drowned the Mr. Creepy Centipede and then I let him flush down the shower drain.
I knew the thing was dead, but I was afraid that it would end up being alive so I actually put the plug in the drain to be sure it couldn’t come back. All the while I was showering I kept “feeling” something on my feet. Creepy!
I felt a little bit “mean girl” as I stood there watching it drown. I hate to kill things, even spiders, but I will kill a spider and clean up the mess with a tissue, but I draw the line at centipedes and snakes. I either run away or I have to kill in such a way that I never have to, in any way, come in contact with it, even with a tissue paper between me and “it”.

Does anybody relate?
Church was so good today. I love our Sunday School class. We had missed quite a few classes early in the year because of either being sick or other obstacles but we were able to attend the last two Sunday’s and it sure feels like “home” to be able to attend again.

After church service was over I visited with a lady who recently retired from her job and she looks so happy. She told me that folks tell her that she comes across as so much happier now that she has retired. I’m so glad for her. I wonder, is it like that for everyone who retires? Does their life become happier and more relaxed once they give up the job and settle into a more relaxed routine? I have a feeling it is different for different folks. She just made retirement look so do-able.

Hazelnut Flavored Decaf Coffee

I love you!

We just purchased 96 K-cups online – I only had three cups so far today because I can’t get enough of the flavor. Does anyone have this kind of problem? I have to drink decaf though. Sad face.

Sunday Drive

I had to take my great aunt to her church services this morning. I’m always amazed at how “with it” she still is at 97, almost 98 years old. She remembers where she and I have been, what was said, who lives there, on and on. This afternoon when I picked her up we went the long way home and I stopped and took some pictures along the way. She wanted to see them and I would show her and she would giggle and say how pretty this one or that one was. She would stretch her neck to see what I was seeing on my side of the car. She was with me all the way and I know our next excursion out she will do the “remember when” with me about this trip. I love her muchly.

Following are pictures from our Sunday drive. I hope you enjoy.

Even the horses and buggies have to abide by the traffic laws. This was perfect, slowing down, because I was turning in the same lane they were.

If you look closely, there are two ladies walking in the farm lane, I suspect on their way home from church services my great aunt attended.

A horse and buggy coming from where my great aunt’s church was held today.

This horse did not notice me, he was watching the horse and buggy going up the road. I whistled at him and he barely batted an eyelash.

This is where my great aunt’s church was held today. There was a big garage to my right but I didn’t dare take more pictures other than this one. I liked the hitching post, it has a tie-rope there with a snap, so a visitor does not have to actually get their big one out from under the buggy seat. It was cozy around there, and so beautiful. This home is placed high on a hill, black top all the way in to the house and barn, they have a little bridge in their driveway. So pretty.

After I picked up Beina, we started on our little excursion and found some sheep up on a hill.

We found this dandy little shanty. So cute! Beina wanted to see what the picture looked like so I let her see and she giggle and said, “my you can take really good pictures!”

I loved this valley, the winding road, all the houses and farms dotting the countryside.

I can’t explain, except to say, the big tree just spoke to me.

Horse and buggy trotting down a pretty good hill.

Horse grazing, cattle lazing.

Some cool little barns.


Sheep taking a break. I love sheep, my husband and I used to raise lambs. I miss that season so much. I miss the sheep and lambs too.

More sheep, these were grazing. I like the woods in the background.

The same horse from a few pictures back.

For me, this looked almost “Biblical” to me. The sheep, the rocks, the brown grass. I can’t explain.

Same with this one, it is the same view, just at a distance.

Ah, not an “Amish farm”, but for me, this one always seems kind of “Dukes of Hazzard” for me. I used to work with one of the son’s who grew up on this farm. He was a character for sure, for sure, and Dukes of Hazzard, yep, good description!

I like the bridge and I like the tree beside it.

In our neck of the wood “Bull Country Compost” is the in thing to use on your gardens and flower beds. I found a sign on the side of this barn, which is literally sitting right beside the road, and a cross road at that. The sign is there to prove it.

This is on top of “The Funk Hill”.
I paused and shot a picture of this hill because of the memories I have of it.
First memory, when I was a little girl at home, we would have to travel up and down this hill to get to various people’s homes in our church district. Back then this was a dirt road with barely any gravel and I remember it being muddy and the buggy wheels would dig in and leave marks the whole way to and from. The hill itself is long and steep and I hated it with a passion. I was always afraid of horses and so buggy rides were never fun for me, and especially on this hill. (I’m still afraid of horses, but I do like to photograph them.)
Second memory, when I was a little girl I though “Funk” meant something else. I thought my parents were always cussing when they mentioned that hill. Years later I found out that “Funk” was the last name of a family who had lived on that hill way back in the dark ages or sometime. ha ha!
Third memory, my old neighbor grew up there on The Funk Hill and he would tell us stories of playing in those woods and hills and he said that one day he came upon a Blue Racer snake. I never seen a Blue Racer snake, I never heard of anyone seeing one before or since, but to hear him say it, it was a snake that can go fast, real fast and you have to be quick to get away from it. So, I was always on the lookout for Blue Racer snakes when we were going up and down that awful hill.
After I dropped off Beina, I took another way home and found these trees had gotten caught up on the electrical lines. I didn’t stick around too long, didn’t feel the safest there.

I did pause to get a look at the other side of the bridge

This horse noticed me taking pictures. He walked my way for awhile, but he was far away from me, I got in my car and left before he made it to me. It was blitz cold out there today!

I remember attending church services here. Nice Amish family lives here. Several generations.

I know you can’t see the horse plainly, but somehow I like some of these shots, where you see an object in the background and in the foreground you have other things going on. I am probably crazy, but it is my eye that loves these shots. I might be in a league of my own, but I can’t help but love it.

Love this one too.

Can I tell you what I was thinking when I took this? Hmm, well, I like the blue and white sky, then I like the three trees way up on the hill. Reminded me of the three crosses on Calvary for some reason….then in contrast, the other side of the picture you have all the trees and almost no color. It is the contrast that I love in this picture and all the other little things going on.

In this maze of trees there was a little shanty. I really liked this area, it just spoke to me.

It seems the road leads right into the clouds with the bare trees waving a good-bye.

Sometime midst the beauty of Amish Country you come across some junky sights. This is an old couch and chair. The movie, Grumpy Old Men came to mind, in one of the last scenes when the old man dies while he is fishing, isn’t he on some kind of sofa or recliner? I haven’t watched that movie in ages, but I remember something not fitting in with the fishing scene and thinking it was a recliner.
I also found these old wheels. I’m sure they have been here for years because they almost fade into the landscape.

This horse’s owners must have been visiting friends and so they unhitched him from the buggy and tied him to the hitching post. This place looks like it is a business and home all in one and pretty messy for Amish folks, but I do believe they are Amish.

See, it is messy, I just got a small shot, the house is off to the right and the business off to the left.

Someone has their own little greenhouse.

I came upon this house and they have everything decorated for Easter already. They truly are an anomaly deep in Amish Country.

My favorite thing in this picture is that flag waving in the front of the house and do you notice the big tree peeking from behind the house? I feel like it was waving a hearty “Hello” to me. Do you see that? Or maybe I shouldn’t tell you all my thoughts! ha ha

Even the decorative moose by the little pond are decorated for Easter! How fun!

Bunny Rabbit was flailing around in the wind. I love the shadow on the stone beside it. Somehow, for me, the gaudy bunny rabbit does not fit in this scene, but it is there, so I captured its picture.

Here I see a flourishing tree planted right there by the water. I can think of a Psalm or two that would be fitting right here, this tree looks like it has its act together, branches are all nice and clean, ready for Spring and leaves to grow.

Contrasting with the tree in the prior picture. This tree is not so clean and together, it has a messy set of branches hanging toward the ground. These two trees reminded me of folks we might know, some are together, have their lives in order, others not so much. 

A corn crib, standing dutifully in a field near a farm.

Someone left their tractor out in the field. The animals grazing around it don’t seem to mind it’s presence. I kind of like it being there.
If you liked this post and want to stay connected to my blog, please head over to my Facebook page and “like” it so you stay in the loop if you have not done so already.
I appreciate each of my readers coming back and checking things out. I have one or two new ideas up my sleeve for my blog and I’m pretty excited about them so keep coming back for more. I know folks are telling me it is hard to comment on here. I’m having issues commenting on other folk’s blogs as well. If you have a comment for me and can’t post them here, I invite you to go to my Facebook page, or email me at
I love/enjoy/feel blessed/am encouraged when I get feedback from you.
Blessings all!


a blip in my day

Vibrant Sunrise
Our blinds are always pulled down at night and in the early morning hours when I’m getting ready for my day I generally don’t take the time to look out any of the windows. For some reason I noticed some bright hues sneaking in through a crack in our living room windows and I took a moment to check it out and when I opened the front door I was just in awe. The vibrant sunrise was beyond anything I could describe. I tried my best to get a good picture of what was in front of me, but the photo below doesn’t begin to describe the reality.
Online Shopper’s Woes
I have an Amazon account and for a couple years now I have been able to do more and more of my shopping online. It is a luxury and has completely simplified my life until just the last few purchases I made. All of a sudden they are telling me that our address is “not deliverable”.
Unfortunately and very frustratingly, our physical address and mailing address are not the same. We don’t have a mailbox because of where our driveway is situated and we would have to cross the road to get the mail and it is just not the safest spot to do so. For that reason we opted to have a PO Box, and the trouble is our PO Box is not in the same town our physical address is in and when mail/packages gets sent to the post office of our physical address, they send our mail/packages back to the shipper.
Double UGH!
The real problem is that these sites like Amazon ask you for a physical and mailing address and then when the shipper doesn’t read those correctly, they end up causing us issues. I called and spoke to a variety of folks and I’ve been stunned with how condescending they can be. The one fellow I spoke with was so awful, something inside of me rose up and wanted to slap him through the phone. He was chewing something while he was talking down to me and so I actually asked him if he was chewing gum and he said he wasn’t. I, proceeded to tell him I know he is chewing something and I thought he was unprofessional.
Neither of us “won” this fight. sigh 
Fast forward a conversation or two, I had the “displeasure”  of talking with the post master at the post office that should not be getting our mail if the shippers would read their information correctly. So, being at wit’s end I called Mr. Postmaster and asked him if there was any way we could get packages forwarded to us when this happens. He, too became very condescending in tone and had the gall to say, “Well, what is wrong with you just using your correct address?”
I explained to him again our problem, that we have to provide both addresses and the shipper chooses the incorrect address.
You all get it, right?
He got it the second or third time around and then agreed that I have a problem, but no there was no way he could forward anything for me.
Sometimes I wonder about folks in customer service.
Dinner and a Ride
We made dinner plans with our Amish friends for tonight and ended up at one of our favorite restaurants. After we were finished with dinner and nice conversation we decided to go the long way home. We spent an hour or so driving around, and finally ended up in the fellow’s “hometown”, which is not a town, but out in the middle of Amish Country.
I thought it was cool to listen to my husband and his friend talk about various places they noticed and remembered certain incidents or folks. One little conversation had my friend and I in stitches and calling our husband’s “old men”.
My husband pointed out that the family who lives “there” had a few dwarf children. My friend’s husband misheard and questioned, “They got a divorce? 
Oh mah goodness! It was a moment for sure!
My friend straightened them out quickly midst giggles and finally our “old men” got on the same page and understood each other again.
I guess dwarf and divorce do sound a lot alike, come to think about it.
If this is a sign of things to come as we age, I think we are going to live be living in “hilarity”!
As we traveled the highways and byways we also made a pit stop and I had a chance to take a few pictures. We stopped by a winery in the area, we didn’t go inside, but took in the countryside around it. We also noticed this wall of old wine barrels. It is the backdrop for many engagement pictures, even my son and his wife had their engagement pictures taken here.


I really like this picture. The scraggly tree in the middle of the picture and the little out buildings tucked into the countryside. The fence, so straight, and dutifully making its way around the fields.  

These two dogs didn’t really like us stopping there and taking pictures. They protested heartily, so I snapped their picture and it did nothing, they still barked up a storm.

I like the sky being a backdrop to the leaf-less trees up on the ridge. The little out building makes the hill and fence look homey to me.

There was a creek lazily flowing through the property. There was some trash in the creek so I didn’t feel like getting a huge section of it. I wanted only the pretty section.
By the time we headed the nose of our car towards home the sun had gone down completely and the very dark night came out and a one bright eyed headlight and one regular eyed headlight followed us much of our way home. That bright headlight shining right into my rear view mirror nearly blinding me. I was so glad when he finally turned off.
That was my day. I don’t like conflict and the whole shipping problem IS a problem for me and for that reason I will have to have another chat with someone from Amazon to see how to resolve this issue. But problems are only a small part of life so I don’t want to dwell on it too much. For me it is much better to try and take in what God has to offer. This earth is his and I believe he wants us to enjoy our surroundings. The early morning sunrise, I take it as a gift from him. Time spent with friends driving through old countryside stirring up memories, that is a gift from him.
Thank you Jesus for all the small blessings you provide me. Even with the shipping conflict, you show me where I need to change, maybe I should have had a bit more grace with the gum or food chewing customer service personnel and not have told him I thought him unprofessional. Help me to continue to grow in your love and peace and grace.
Thank you for reading and being here! If you enjoyed this blog post, you may want to go over to my Facebook page and “like it” so you always get updates when a new post goes up. Also, please feel free to share with your family and friends. Blessings all!
I am doing a giveaway on my Facebook page. I will be choosing the winner on March 23, 2014 at 6 PM. Go to the pinned status on the Facebook page to find out how you can sign up for the giveaway.

i found some signs of spring

Springtime is upon us.
The date on the calendar said so yesterday.
I went out to find spring yesterday and the following is what I found.
Two teams of horses. Two menfolk. Plowing the field.


If you click on this picture you will see more of the tree in the background.
I love the tree.
I love the farmer and plow and team of horses.
I love, love the two farm dogs sniffing in the dirt. I bet their noses are overdosing right now.


As I continued up the road I found this cabin and lake.
When I got home and pulled up this picture I noticed the barbed wire fence.
I love the barbed wire fence.
I was told by my coworker that this scene is awesome in the summer time. I can see that. I will return this summer for an updated picture of the cabin and lake.


This is what I saw when I drove in our driveway last night. Rays of sunlight streaming down through the clouds. I tried a few different shots. I like this one, how the ray of sunlight seems to come down and mingle with the tree tops.
Did you find signs of Spring yesterday, other than a date on your calendar?
I’m ready for spring to be here, for warmth to envelope us and for my shoes to be tucked into the closet and for sandals, flip flops and bare feet be revealed.
My favorite way to be is – barefoot. Nothing feels more free-er than to be barefoot. I’m still a little Amish girl in my heart and in my feet. wink wink
Happy Spring!

Amish Realty Television

I’m going to go there tonight, so if you are all into these shows, you may NOT like what I have to say. I just want to say, it is my opinion and I’m not trying to persuade anyone differently. If you enjoy and believe those shows, that is up to you.
I know the “argument” is that they are “just a show – kinda reality – kinda scripted.” I’m sorry, but it really turns my stomach to see some of the stuff they come up with. I feel like a lot of the young folks come across like they have sold their soul to the devil, willing to do many outlandish things that portray the culture they come from as something they are not. Why? For the money and fame? If fame and riches are what they are expecting out of these shows, I don’t think they are achieving those goals. Rather than famous, they seem to mostly be infamous. Quite a few have some kind of rap sheet with the law, money woes seem to be a prevailing thing, dreams of making it big so far have not really been full-filled. One of these Amish reality “stars” who have half way “made it” is in NYC modeling and just this week her half naked body was splashed all over the Internet. Is that what her dream was when she got on the show? To be half naked in front of the world? I paused at some of her photos and looked at her eyes for a long moment. To me, they didn’t look happy. How sad.
I find myself rooting for this young lady, hoping she will find a “classy path” for her career.
I don’t know what goes on behind the scenes of these shows but I have a feeling the cast is not “cared about” that much. My opinion is they are there so that the higher ups will get their ratings and make their money. I’m sure they are promised things that seem amazing to these young folks but because they aren’t really worldly-wise and a few thousand dollars looks like a lot of money, they make choices that will forever haunt them in some way. Some now seem to have this idea that they can have a career in television, either in front of the camera, or behind it. (They also come across that working a regular job would be beneath them now that they have achieved some sort of fame.)  I’ve seen most of these shows and the acting is not very good, I wouldn’t pick out one person to ever make it “big” in Hollywood. Like I said before, this is my opinion, I could be totally wrong and I’m not a hater of these young folks, I just wish they had made better career choices and thought things through before “selling out” themselves and the culture they came from.
The Amish Mafia show is the bigger offender of portraying the Amish as something they are not. I know, the argument I keep reading out there, “it is just a show.” But do they have to be so outrageous with their “show”?
Anyway, I just wanted to get that off my chest. Honestly, I want to say so much more, but I have a feeling some of my readers are real fans and I don’t want to be a “hater”.
Peace all!
Shows I Tape and Watch
I don’t have a lot of time to watch much television, I probably watch less than an hour of television per day. Most work days I watch no television. I do tape a few shows though and since we are on the subject of television tonight, I thought I would share with you the shows I really like. Most of the shows I watch I gain inspiration from for when I’m puttering around in my kitchen. The last three are really entertainment only.
The Pioneer Woman – cooking show, my favorite!
The Barefoot Contessa – cooking show, my second favorite.
Heartland Table – cooking show, new show for me, so good.
Rehab Addict – this lady makes me want to flip houses for a living.
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills – I got hooked on these ladies a few years back. I watch because I want to see how the rich half of America lives. They lead me to believe the rich are immature and have less “smarts” than the working class in America.
and last but not least:
Keeping up with the Kardashians – I’m serious, I tape every new episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians and watch them each week. If you don’t know who the Kardashians are, here is a link… Keeping up with the Kardashians. If you know who the Kardashians are you have probably judged me by now or are completely indifferent. I started watching them years ago, it happened by accident and now I continue to watch them as each new season comes out. I think I like to watch them because they are sisters and I love to watch the interaction between them.
I really don’t “kare” what you think about me for keeping up with them, if I did, I wouldn’t have made the statement. Insert a big smiley face right here.
Khloe is my favorite Kardashian. I just “konnect” with her personality.
I had to try and throw a couple more “k” words in there, that is why I made the last statement.
What are some shows you enjoy watching?

amish country or manhattan?

One upon a time, a long time ago, in the early 1990’s, my husband and I stepped out of a train, on to a  platform in Grand Central Station – NYC and our eyes were opened up to the fact that there is more to life than Amish Country, USA. I talked about that adventure here.
For many years since that adventure I have had this longing deep inside of me to live in Manhattan for one year and soak in the culture, the arts, the lights, the sounds, eat the food, shop the stores, observe the holiday traditions of the city and roam the streets and take in the architecture and all the city has to offer.
After leaving the Amish and being shunned, so much of me felt lost and shattered and during those times my longing deepened to go live in the city. The reality was, though, that we were raising two children and we didn’t want to uproot their lives more than they already had been uprooted and my husband, ever the “realistic one” in our relationship would never consent to sell everything and go start over in another town or city as this would have been the case, not even for a year. The adventure would have been too great a sacrifice for our family.
So, for years I sat on my longing for adventure in the city and we would visit it periodically over the next 20 years or so. We are long overdue to visit it again, this year it will have been five years since we last visited Manhattan and our friends who first introduced us to the city.
 Years come, years go.
Life changes.
Hearts also change.
There was a time when I could not see the beauty that surrounds me here in Amish Country. The city lights beckoned too loud, as did the pain of having been shunned and ridiculed for being different now.
“Different is defined by what I wear and what I drive, and the church I attend.”
The day I allowed God to heal my hurt and pain, the day I forgave the Amish and understood that they can’t help what they do because they don’t know how to do life differently is the day that I was able to finally see the beauty that is in my surroundings. I live in the country, deep in the country, and the city lights no longer beckon so loudly. Although I would still ABSOLUTELY LOVE the chance to live in Manhattan for a solid year, I am completely content where I am right now.
“Why are you content”, you ask. 
Because my contentment comes from no longer holding grudges and feeling slighted by those who mistreat me. My contentment comes from having forgiven and I know my life is not my own to live. I live for Jesus, he is my Lord and he is my comfort and my light, he is all the adventure I need and for that reason, I am content and settled right here, deep within Amish Country.
Since I have given up my “will” and “wants” I have had more little adventures than I could ever have dreamed up. I have been shown over and over and over again how much natural beauty and adventure I have right there at my finger tips. I just have to notice my surroundings.  
Let me try to explain.  
Yesterday morning I picked up my great aunt, Beina, at my parent’s home. She is 97 years old. In May she will celebrate her 98th birthday. She is still so “with it” for her age, she grows more feeble and has a bad hip and her eye sight and hearing are leaving her but she still enjoys life. She has been really cooped up this winter because of the weather and so she hasn’t gone to church and other functions because my parents thought it better to stay home than risk falling on ice and breaking something.
Knowing how cooped up she has been I decided to take my camera along yesterday morning and after I picked her up we set out on a little adventure before we arrived at my home for the day.
Each morning I watch these little ponds on my way to my 8-5 and I’ve been wanting to stop and take them in one day, and so that was our first stop. I left my car running, heat turned up, made sure the car was parked so Beina would be able to take in the scenery and I slid out of the car, camera in hand and I took the following pictures, and more.
(If you click on the first photo, it will open into a gallery and you can see more details in the pictures.)
Of Ponds and Canadian Geese
A total of three sets of Canadian Geese were playing around on the lower pond yesterday morning.


One of the couples. I love the water in this picture. Small ripples, it was really chilly yesterday morning when I was out there. The geese didn’t seem to mind the cold weather at all.


A larger view of the lower pond.


A shot with the dock in the picture. Two couples are in this picture.


Someone is “fishing”.


This was my favorite shot of the morning by the pond.
As I snapped it I said to myself, “money shot”. Not that I would ever get money for it, but I was so tickled to have clicked at just the right time.
How beautiful and majestic!
On we went, Beina and I, on more adventures. We stopped in the parking lot of a roadside produce stand I frequent in the summer and again, I made sure Beina could see and I got out of my car and snapped a few pictures.
Maple Syrup Cooking Shanties and Farm Dogs With Noses to the Ground
Hidden in the woods is a small shanty and in a few short months this shanty will be disguised  behind the leaves on those trees. Maple syrup season is upon us and you see more and more trees tapped for maple sap than in the last few years prior. I suspect because the winter has been hard and cold the maple sap harvesters figure the harvest will be plenty this year. I hope so for all their hard work.


Another shot of the shanty.


One thing I noticed, and took a bunch of pictures of, was the dog in the field in front of the woods. His nose was almost over-dosing, he had his little nose to the ground and was all over that field in the time we were sitting there taking pictures.
Amish Country Scenery and Objects.


A farm off the road a ways. I like how the windmill is peeking up over the barn, I almost felt it “wink” at me.


This farm was tucked away up pretty high on a hill. I pulled it in on my camera to get a better picture of the buildings, but it is up there a ways. I love the lone tree in the foreground. I also noticed the windmill on this farm and the smoke coming out of the chimney.


As I stood there looking at this view I was delighted to see how this view made it almost seem like this was a little village. These homes are all mostly nestled along the same stretch of winding road, but through the trees they look more like a village. I love the red barn with green roof through the trees. Fun picture for me.


Beside the ponds where Beina and I stopped for a long while, was this house. The Amish man was carrying his baby to the house and I got a couple pictures of them walking away from me. I try not to be too in-your-face with my camera. If you click on this picture you will see the baby’s face peeking out of the blanket.


An Amish “pickup”. It has a bench for the driver and passenger to sit on, and the back part has racks to haul livestock and other things, like the barrels you see in this picture. I like to call it a “pickup”.


Amish buggy flying down the road. They are coming off of a hill and the horse was running. I love this picture for some reason. Maybe because you can tell the horse was running by the position of his feet in the picture.


This “pickup buggy” looks like it was parked in a hurry.
An Amish Parochial School
I will probably get a print of this picture. I just love the starkness and the “pioneer” feel it holds for me. This school is still running, but I’m surprised at how neglected it looks. I think it is a “Swartzentruber Amish” school. They are a little bit more “sloppy” than the Old and New Order Amish. No matter, Beina and I enjoyed our time here, observing, chit chatting about all the elements of the school we noticed.


We noticed the very, very dark blue window coverings. How dismal these windows looked to us. Beina thought the school itself needs a coat of paint. I agree. Honestly, it depressed me a bit to think children still attend school here. How dark their lives must be.
The barn where the scholars can tie up their horses in when they drive them to school. I noticed in the mud there were a lot of buggy tracks. Behind the barn is an outhouse and beside it is a swing set. How much fun is it to swing on swings and have to smell the smells of the outhouse?
I wonder if the children even notice???


The school bell hanging in the gable of the school house. Birds were flying all around there and a few settled there to observe their surroundings. I suspect that gable gets a nest or two of birds each year.


Another outhouse beside the school house. I suspect this might be the girl’s outhouse, but not sure.


They also have the “luxury” of having a water pump. I love how it looks there in its surroundings, but am afraid it might be the only source of water those kids have during the day.




The only “new and not dilapidated” looking thing we found at that school house was this softball backstop. There is a road right at the edge of those trees and so the kids have been afforded one new thing that I could see, probably mostly for safety and to protect the cars traveling the road from stray balls. 
Beina and I experienced all these sights in less than two hours.
What an adventure.
What a blessing to sit and listen to her observations on the different scenes we came upon.
A few years back I would have missed all this if I had not learned how to forgive and move on with my life. I would have continued to feel disdain for the culture I come from and would have continued to long for experiences and live in discontent rather than experience where I live.
There are areas in my life I’m not happy with, areas where I do not thrive and tend to feel bored and tossed aside, but I’m content. Content to wait on God, to see what he has for me next. I know he has a plan for me and sometimes we have to experience boredom to appreciate when something adventuresome comes into ones life. These days I chose to look at every minute detail as an adventure, a gift from God himself. I would hate to miss one thing, one moment, one conversation, one morsel of life that God meant me to notice, to experience, to enjoy.
I don’t believe that “adventure” is the ultimate goal in life, but I do believe adventure is a gift from God, straight from his hands, he plans out each little detail for us because he loves us so much. We just have to pause in our busy lives to notice and accept those moments.
I cherish each of my conversations I have with this lady, she has connected me with my past like I’ve never been connected to before. She has shared so many of her memories with me. Once she leaves this earth that generation is gone and none of us will ever get to go back in time like we can now because she is still here with us. She has told me a lot about her sister Anna, my grandmother. I cherish every morsel she has shared with me over the past couple of years.
 I’m so glad she was with me on my adventure yesterday.
It made my whole day sweeter.
 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content<sup class="crossreference" value="(A)”> whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry,<sup class="crossreference" value="(A)”> whether living in plenty or in want. Philippians 4:11,12
I praise God for showing me what contentment looks and feels like. I chose to die daily to my own whims and wishes. I trust him for my every need and longing these days. Life has become better and holds more meaning to me since adopting this way of living. I would still love to experience the city life, going to see more Broadway shows, eating the food, shopping the shops, walking the streets and checking out the architecture and on and on…but at this moment, I am fully content living in Amish Country – USA and experiencing each morsel here.
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Mrs. Miller’s Dry Goods

A few Saturday’s ago I stopped by a local business, tucked away in the quaint Amish town of Charm, Ohio. I browsed, took pictures and spoke with the owner and some of her employees, and I was mesmerized. The reason why I wanted to go see what it was all about was because last Fall I had a little chit chat with one of the employees about this business and was intrigued. This employee told me of how much fun she has at work and all the little perks she gets by working there. It sounded to me like they were a happy family there and it just felt warm and homespun to me, so I had to go check it out for myself.
I rarely travel to this quaint town called Charm anymore, it has become a town I once frequented on a weekly basis but now has become a place I go to mostly in my memory. We no longer live as close to Charm as we once did and usually when I leave our driveway I am headed in a different direction.
So when I say “I was sort of taken aback when I first arrived at Mrs. Miller’s Dry Goods“, that is exactly what I mean. I had no idea how much things had changed since I had last been there. When we were still Amish this was the place where I mostly shopped for my fabric to sew each one of my family member’s wardrobes. I purchased fabric for dresses, shirts, pants, coats and jackets and even my daughter and my coverings. I made almost everything we wore out of fabric that mostly came out of this store. I loved to sew and going to Mrs. Miller’s Dry Goods was always a pleasure when I needed more fabric. It filled up something inside of me as I walked through the aisles and touched the fabric and dreamed of what a dress could look like for my young daughter or myself, often contemplating purchasing a fabric that might be plain in color, but maybe have a texture, some design woven into the fabric, but usually adhering to the Amish rules and regulations on their dress code and making my purchase within the “ordnung” of the church.
As I paused in the doorway, the other Saturday, for a moment I remembered Mrs. Miller padding through her store, smiling, nodding “hello” as I entered her store and bidding me to “look around and if I needed help to ask”. I could see the former set up plainly in my mind’s eye and thought of how she and/or her two daughters were almost always there when one entered through the door. Mrs. Miller helped me countless times with my purchases, always friendly and patient, as were her two daughters, Katie and Mary. Quite simply, it was always a treat to enter their store and make my purchases.
One of the biggest changes I noticed as I stood there observing everything, when I first arrived, was the fabric that Amish folks might purchase to sew into dresses and pants has all been put in the basement and the top floor of the store has become a quilt and crafter’s dream. I suspect many Amish ladies purchase their fabrics from their own, more local, Amish-owned fabric stores these days. There are many of those all around us. I can probably think of ten or so such stores nearby. And there are probably many more I don’t even know of.
Some serious updates have taken place all over the two stores, each building has been tidied up, everything looks fresh, inviting, and well….homespun is a word I keep coming back to. I’ve been by the place since they’ve updated, but never paused to “notice” the changes.
Someone has a real talent and an eye for making sure folks know where to go. The signage around this business is like none other that I’ve ever seen. What a pleasure it was to be able to find things, know where to go and what to look for.  In my pictures you will see many of those signs. I was totally blown away with how organized everything was around there, both inside and out.
One of Mrs. Miller’s daughters now owns the business. She and her husband have utilized EVERY corner of the property her mother used to own. The house Mary grew up in has been turned into a fabric crafter and quilter’s retreat, called The Rural Thimble. The outside is beautiful and inviting. I have no doubt that coming here to spend a week or weekend quilting and crafting with one’s friends would leave one inspired, refreshed and feeling accomplished by the end of the stay. I did not get to go inside the house because it had been rented out to a group during that time. You can click on the link I provided in this paragraph for more photos and information.  
The log cabin Mrs. Miller had built and lived in behind the stores has now been turned into lodging. You can find out more by clicking on this link if you would like to stay deep in the heart of Amish Country. There is a beautiful covered bridge going back to the log cabin and a creek running through the property which I’m sure you can hear from the porch of the cabin.
The first family home had been turned into the store many, many years ago and much later the family barn had also been turned into a store. Following you will see a lot of pictures I took that Saturday and will try to describe what each one is.
Speaking with Mary as I was taking my pictures I felt like I understood why this place had changed so much. I knew Mary when she was still a young Amish girl and much later I would see her out and about, but never got to really know her. In today’s world she has blossomed into a confident businesswoman, calm, collected, friendly, trendy, and seems to have her thumb on the pulse of what makes quilters and fabric crafters tick. She isn’t afraid to put money into the business and her employees and for that reason, I think, is why her employees speak highly of her and why her customers have such a satisfied smile on their faces and why those customers return when they need more fabric or inspiration. When I say inspiration, I mean “IDEAS”. There are so many examples displayed throughout both of the stores, one can’t help but get an urge to sew something. If you are in the mood to craft or quilt but are uninspired, I recommend a trip to this quaint little Amish town called Charm and a visit to Mrs. Miller’s Dry Goods. It is a real treasure to go there and browse. I would say, if you are a quilter/fabric crafter you will want to carve out a half a day or more when you come for your first visit.
I am sure positive Mrs. Miller would be happy and satisfied with all the changes Mary and her husband have made to the business. When I left there I was smiling and felt something inside of me, something happy and homespun and wanting to return when I have more time. I enjoyed the memories of the old and the face of the new. I’m so glad I went and I’m so happy to feature Mary and her business in my “Real People” section on my blog.
On a side note…I wrote about traveling to this business via horse and buggy and about an incident that happened to me on the way home that day. You can read about that adventure by clicking here. It was hair-raising and a real life adventure for sure!

When you first arrive, you can’t help but take note of the signs.

Two stores. Quilt Barn and Fabric Store.

The Quilt Barn. There are comfy rocking chairs under the porch, I have a feeling a lot of men have found their way to that porch and those chairs whilst they wait on their ladies. The hitching post in front of the barn is still used by the Amish folks who come to shop.

The Fabric Store, formerly their home and years ago fashioned into Mrs. Miller’s livelihood to support her family.

A shot from a different angle of both stores.

The lazy sidewalk connecting the store and the quilter’s retreat, The Rural Thimble.

The porch of The Rural Thimble. Cozy quilter’s retreat!

Full view of The Rural Thimble.

Inside the fabric store, you will find many nooks and crannies, each one thought out, keeping the customer’s experience in mind. Here you can sit down and quilt! Yes, right there in the middle of the store you can experience quilting and I’m sure if you don’t know how to quilt, one of the very friendly employees or Mary, herself will gladly give you some tips and pointers.

Some quilts hanging on the walls. So beautiful!

Amanda, Mary’s daughter, and her grandmother’s namesake. She was working on a project for school she said. Amanda is a typical teenager, friendly, wanting to make sure her hair was nice and neat before I took her picture and when I asked her if she will one day take over the store she smiled and nodded her head and said “probably”.

Button, button, whose got the button? Here is a wash sink filled with buttons. You can sit down and explore the buttons, feel them, play with them, find some you like or need, get them weighed and take them home. Mary told me that kids ask to come here to play with the buttons. It is simply the coolest thing…ever!

One little nook right in the middle of the store has bakery cases Mary purchased from at an auction that had been part of Norman’s Bakery from Millersburg, Ohio. Norman’s Bakery was the bakery to go to in the 60’s and 70’s. Mary has recycled those cases into a nook a display that holds all kinds of shapes and sizes of fabric. The squares are called “layer cakes”, the rolled up ones are called “jelly rolls” and on and on. You will want to visit this little nook and check out the cases. Very innovative and quaint and a part of the local’s history. A few more bakery pictures follow. Enjoy!  

Examples hanging on the walls, with pre-cuts in packages ready to be purchased and taken home and crafted on your own sewing machine.

There are kits available for each month, and an example of each month is displayed, weaving their way around a wall on a laundry line. I chose to photograph August, because in the dead of winter, this looked so summer to me. And August is the month I was born in, so why not?

A chalkboard resides inside the entrance door and there are specials listed. I like the little hearts floating around. You can tell the folks who work there all care about the details and making the experience happy and fun and inspiring for their customers.

As I paused by this display I heard someone say, “Fat quarters, it’s not a body part!” I looked around and saw a cute and chipper young lady walking through the store with a customer. Sue Yoder also has her thumb on the pulse of this business and is friendly and outgoing.
A bit earlier Sue had yelled at me from across the store, “Hi Lue! I read your blog!” I was confused for one little second when I heard her say that. It is still humbling for me to know folks actually read my words that I post on here.
But it also feels good.
I like Sue! What a precious young lady! We got to talk for a few moments before I left the store and I just. like. her.

Okay, back to the fat quarters display. Mary explained that fat quarters are 1/2 yard pieces cut on the fold and are 18″ x 22″ square pieces. They are typically used for pillows. She said because they are cut this way the customer doesn’t have to purchase a whole 1/2 yard of fabric. It becomes economical for her customers.

These photos are of the inside of the fabric store. There are bolts and bolts and bolts of fabric. It is an amazing sight to behold when you are actually there.

Here is Sue helping a customer.

I forgot this lady’s name. I’m sorry, but she was so friendly, as are all the employees there. I asked her if I could take a picture and she willingly obliged.

I love this wall hanger. It just spoke to me. If I had a western style room, I would purchase this and bring it home.

You can purchase crafting fabrics in the Quilt Barn. Flannel, Homespun and Minkee. I knew there was flannel, but I had never heard of the other two, but I found out they are very popular fabrics and a whole room in the barn is dedicated to these fabrics.

Here are Tagalong Blankie’s. They are made with the Minkee fabric.
Minkee fabric is. so. soft!

Mary told me how she and her husband go to auctions and garage sales and “find” interesting displays for the store. you will find everything from bakery cases, to cribs to antiques in both stores displaying fabric and products.

Homespun display.

Barrels of oil cloth so one can make raincoats.
Who would have thought???
Not me! I was totally impressed.
The little orange coat is a perfect size for a little girl. I could just envision a little girl walking to school on a rainy day in her trendy homemade raincoat!

Here in the front room of the Quilt Barn is the original hay mow.

This is the perfect display for chicken pin cushions.

The Quilt Barn has a beautiful open stairway going upstairs and up there you will find the quilts and a ton of items made by mostly Amish ladies. It is one way that Amish ladies can bring in a little income and is a way that widows are able to supplement their support. I know Mary’s mother, Mrs. Miller, helped out the widows in the community by giving them quilting or other fabric craft projects to sew. My own mother in law quilted many a quilt for Mrs. Miller when she was still able to quilt.

Toaster covers. Mary said they are a popular item.

Yep, a whole, real open buggy resides in the upstairs of the Quilt Barn! It is that big up there!

These dolls are displayed on the open buggy. Don’t they look..mischievous?

Unique displays.

A bed in the middle of the Quilt Barn, holding a very pretty quilt. I love these colors. Greens are my favorite colors and so it really caught my eye.

A close up of the middle of the quilt. See how puffy? I wanted to just lay down for a spell and feel the comfort.
But I didn’t.  
I want to come back and pick out some of these area rugs for my home. Mary said some Amish man makes them and she has them in her home and they are fabulous! She said she can wash them and they always hold up. I’m sold! I want some for my mud room and my kitchen….and maybe my laundry room…hmmm? I better stop.

How! Beautiful!
An close up of one of the area rugs.

Quilts hanging in the background. Lots and lots of quilts. If you are in the market for a beautiful quilt that will become an heirloom…this is the place to go. I’m sure if Mary doesn’t have it there, she can get one made for you. She has connections throughout the Amish community and can get you what you want.

On the outside of The Quilt Barn, beside the entrance door, is a small door that the family horse would look out of in the summer time. I remember him hanging his head out of there when I would stop by to make my purchases. If I remember correctly, the horse’s name was Tony, but not quite sure.

Sue! What a pleasure! Like I said, she seems to have her thumb on the pulse of this wonderful business and just look at her smile! Her personality just oozes friendly and fun.
Getting to know Sue made me wish I had time to get to know more of Mary’s employees and feature more of them here. I did meet Sue’s mother who also works here. She is Amish and a widow and also very friendly and helpful. My friend from church, Dorothy, is the one who told me about how much she loves her job and all the amazing things happening here. Hi Dorothy!

Meet Mary!
What a lovely lady!
I just know her mother would be so proud of her if she could see what Mary has done to with the business.

The covered bridge going over to the cabin.

The view of the cabin through the covered bridge.

The creek.

The cabin. If you are wanting a wonderful place to stay, here is an idea! Doesn’t it look lovely and comfortable and calming?

A map hanging on The Quilt Barn wall. You can see the surrounding area.

I hope you do…”Come In”.
I didn’t get the half of what is there.
I didn’t want to.
Even if you don’t quilt or fabric craft, it will hold your interest and it is an experience you don’t want to miss. Also, if you want your male counterparts to travel with you and they are completely disinterested in stopping/browsing here, there is a place called Keim Lumber just a hop, skip and a jump from Mrs. Miller’s Drygood’s door and your family can go there and they will be mesmerized for hours. I promise. They have a café, so food and drinks are available for the hungry and thirsty ones, and there are plenty of restrooms if one has to “go”, and besides the essentials, Keim Lumber has everything else under the sun, or so I’ve been told.
For more information on Mary’s businesses, please visit Mrs. Miller’s Dry Goods to learn more. You can also visit her Facebook page here.
If you liked this blog post and would like to read more, I invite you to browse my blog and also stop by my Facebook page and “like” it so that we can remain in touch and get all my updates on the blog. I am in the process of writing a book and so that is something to look forward to one day if you are a reader. I am working on a novel, but I have a couple other ideas grinding their gears in my head, so who knows what I will finish first?? I loved having you here and hope you stop by some more.
Find me on Facebook @ Looking in my Rear View Mirror.

technical issues, roasted garlic and "before and after"

Technical Issues

I am missing blogging. I think it has been a solid week since I’ve posted anything. insert unhappy face here.

For the past several weeks my laptop has been hissing and spitting at me, throwing temper tantrums when I am trying to type. It shuts down when it wants to and the keys have always stuck and it is always a chore to type up anything on the old relic and at this point it has basically “won”.

I’ve called in the Calvary. They are stopping by the house on Thursday evening to see what “they” can do. Really, “The Calvary”, is just one person, a very kind young man who is always ready to help me when I have technical issues. If he tells me the laptop is kaput, I will gladly throw it down on the floor and stomp on it, because it really has caused me so much conflict in the past months.

In the meantime, my sister comes to my rescue. She is off on a nice long, sunny vacation and offered her laptop to me while she is gone. What a blessing she is! I hope she gets to soak in a lot of sunshine while she is gone. And her laptop actually works so maybe I will actually get to type up some posts for my blog again.

Gluten free and Roasted Garlic

Mr. Wonderful and I are trying to eat gluten free. We had tried it several years ago with great results and now that my husband has health issues, we are trying the whole gluten free thing again, hoping that it will enhance both of our health. Tonight I made baked pork cutlets, roasted garlic mashed potatoes and I sautéed bell peppers, onions and button mushrooms together and that was it.

I have this taste for roasted garlic lately and now that I know how to make it, I get more hungry for it and find more ways to use it.  

Before and After

Have you ever noticed those pictures of folks who are “losing weight” and they have the before and after pictures side by side? You know the ones, in the “before” picture the lady is wearing a frown face, her gut is pushed out and down to her knees and her back is sagging, her clothes are frumpy and she is the most pathetic picture ever. The “after” picture shows a completely different story. It is now 10-14 days later and oh my goodness! The transformation is amazing! This picture shows the lady wearing a sexy smile, her hair is neat and fresh looking, her clothes are new and trendy and her gut is sucked in and showing a six pack, her back is actually straight! The difference is plain to see!

The good news?

I can have the same look in the same span of time for a big chunk of my paycheck and a ton of exercise.

I am not swayed by those pictures and claims at all because I don’t believe them. I notice that many of these “before and after” pictures are taken at different angles and light. And you can do a lot by sucking in your gut. 
Does anyone else notice these marketing tactics or is it just me???
And a side note, I’ve never had the urge to make kissy, duck lips, take a selfie and post it on Facebook either!

kiss! kiss!

Signing off

I have a real treat coming up soon. I’ve been working on that post for several days now, but the cantankerous computer “won” and so I’m not finished with it yet. Excited to hit the publish button on that post very soon! I have to run, my eyelids are closing up on me.
Good night all!

i’m not as brave as i wish i were

As I stood in front of my mirror this morning applying my make up I was impressed with a sobering question, “how brave are you going to be today” and I became all weepy.

 It is hard to put on make up when your eyes keep welling up with tears. 

Until last evening both of us were being pretty brave, going on with life as usual, but last night it all sort of came to a head and we had a little talk. I asked Mr. Wonderful if he has thought of the worst that could happen. He confessed, “yes”. I felt the tears coming up inside of me, right there behind my eyeballs and didn’t quite know what to do with them. We talked a little bit about our fears and our what ifs, but not too much. Mr. Wonderful isn’t one to talk things out very much, especially when it comes to things he might be feeling deep down inside. 

I was unable to fall asleep last night. I went to bed, tossed, turned, read, prayed and finally gave up and got out the comfort of our bed and padded my way to the living room, turned the television on, all the while hoping something would get my attention off myself and onto something that would allow my mind to rest long enough to fall asleep. I found a show called Love it or List it. and I watched two episodes of it. My mind got caught up in the story line just enough that my eyes started to get heavy and soon after one o’clock this morning I was finally able to lay my head on my pillow and rest. 

So with that question of “how brave am I going to be today” in the back of my head as I applied my make up, flat ironed my hair, got dressed, ate breakfast, made sure my husband was okay until I returned home at noon I drove to my 8-5 this morning I was thinking about all the brave folks I know, or am aware of right now. 

One of my Facebook friends, she has had to be very brave since her husband has had a stroke. I’m sure her life has changed completely.

I thought of the very newly married young lady who lost her husband to a gun shot wound and now has to raise their son on her own. How brave she has had to be. 

One of my friends from church – cancer invaded her life and she and her family had to stand brave. 

Over in a book club I belong to I am getting to know about folks and almost every day someone is referring to their bout of cancer – all having to be brave.

I have a cousin I just learnt has cancer. He will now have to be brave and walk through those waters. 

Another friend has been fostering her brother’s child all the while knowing that one day that child could be ripped from her arms and sure enough, it looks like that is more than likely to happen, and yet, my friend is incredibly brave to keep on moving forward, fighting for her little baby’s life because she can almost imagine the outcome if the baby goes back to her brother and the baby’s mother. 

Just this afternoon I found out that my friend’s sister in law just learned she has colon cancer and the diagnoses is so new, they aren’t even finished diagnosing. She will have to be so very brave as she goes from appointment to appointment in the next couple of weeks learning more news of what her prognosis looks like and then the treatment and all that. 

And then I thought of how brave could I be in any of those circumstances? Can I face the doctor today and learn the worst, that my husband has cancer? If I could have somehow washed that thought out of my mind, I surely would have. 

My husband had a procedure done this afternoon to determine if he might have cancer or something else dastardly and ready to change our lives forever. It just kind of crept up on us and left us both without words and feeling like we were punched in our gut. We prayed, we trusted, we applied faith, but then when we had our little conversation last night it felt like my faith was really challenged. Even this morning as I lay hands on my husband and prayed for him I felt doubt creeping in and making me question what I believed in. Did I really believe he could be healed? Really?

All morning I was having the hardest time at my 8-5. I really would have rather just break down and sob than do anything else. Thank God my allergies are crazy right now and I could pass off some of my watery eyes as my “allergies gone wild”, which was true to a certain extent. 

After the procedure was over,, later this afternoon I was ushered to my husband’s bed side and soon the doctor came to shake my hand and told me the happy, glorious news that there was no cancer to be found. He gave his recommendations because we still have questions that need answers, but at least we have the comfort of knowing we aren’t dealing with a worst case scenario. 

Once my husband was tucked safely in his recliner at home I went to run a few errands in our nearby town. I knew he wasn’t going to go far because he had to sleep off all the sleeping potion they had administered. And after running my errands I came home, saw that my husband was still sound asleep in his recliner so I grabbed my camera and stepped outside to take some pictures and enjoy some moments in the out of doors. I never tire of our surroundings. We live at such a beautiful location. The cats came out to wander around our property with me. The neighbor’s horses came and hung their heads over the fence to say hello. The cats climbed up and sat on the fence posts. They fought with each other a little bit. One of them came over and rubbed up against my legs. The sunset was spectacular, shining so brightly. The snow glistened. The grass peeked through the glistening snow. Signs of Spring are in the air. Even the air held a warmth that wasn’t there the past several days, maybe a hint that what the weather folks are saying is true, it IS going to warm up after all. 

Each little touch I experienced, I believe a small gift from God. 

I wish I could put into words how thankful I feel tonight and how loved and blessed I know I am. I didn’t have to be as brave today as I feared I would have to be. It made me feel spoiled after thinking about all the folks I listed above. 

The absolutely glorious sunset tonight. 
I loved how the tree reached into the sunset and the two kind of became one. 

Alley Cat. The grass, I guess, is greener on the other side of the fence????

Alley Cat and Ace fighting to sit on the fence post. 

Our neighbor’s very curious horses. 

We even got up close and personal. 

Still tit for tat. rarrrrrhhh!!

Two birds caused quite a scene at one point and then sat down to pose. All three cats stood at attention. sigh….

Calico….the grass IS greener on this side of the fence. 

Calico rubbing up against me. She was in a really cuddly mood tonight. Not a normal thing for her. She is our mean girl cat. 

Snow on the shrubbery. Beautiful! 

Last, but not least, my shoe, covered in snow. It speaks to how much walking around our property I did tonight. I was out taking pictures for a solid half hour, enjoying our property and beyond. 

With the cobwebs all blown out of my head, a lighter heart and feeling so blessed I will end this post with a simple Bible verse that was on my Bible app this morning. I thought it totally fitting for my day. 

Psalm 56:4 In God, whose word I praise, In God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid…..